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Alexa P O V

Once Chris left i took a shower then gotten dressed for the day . I turned on my Bluetooth speaker and listened to my personal playlist it played Chanel by Frank Ocean i went to the bathroom then started to braid my hair back my once i was finished i started with my makeup few moments later i was finished with everything. Looking at myself in the mirror applying lip stick on my lips .

Putting on my heels then grabbed my purse , I told the maids that i'll be back walking to the garage to pick out a car to drive I decided to drive the Mercedes Benz G wagon it was red with black interior inside with L

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Putting on my heels then grabbed my purse , I told the maids that i'll be back walking to the garage to pick out a car to drive I decided to drive the Mercedes Benz G wagon it was red with black interior inside with L.E.D lights .

I grab the keys hopping in the car , turning the car on then driving off to meet up with Christina , I texted Christina and told her i'll be at her hotel in twenty minutes. Soon enough i was there i found parking getting out of the car then locking it behind me. I walked in the hotel and walked to the reception desk.

" Hi , Which floor is Christina Mills ? " . I ask the receptionist

" And you are ? " . he asks curiously

" I am Alexa Flower , Her friend ". I said to him

" Let me call her first-". He said before i cut him off

" You know what i'll do it for you ". I cut his sentence as i grab my phone calling her putting it on speaker so the receptionist can hear.

" Hey you here yet? ". Christina asked

" I'm in the lobby actually, Which floor you are on ?" I asked her not breathing eye contact to the receptionist that was looking very nervous.

" I'm on the 7th floor i'll text you the room number" .

Christina says before hanging up , I smiled at the receptionist and said to him .

" Have a nice day ". I waved him goodbye walking to the nearest elevator , I pressed the button and waited for the door to open , once the elevator door opened I got in and pressed seven the doors closed and started moving upward in a few seconds later the doors opened and i was on the seventh floor , I looked at my phone Christina texted she's in room 506 . I walked to her room number and knocked on the door.

" Who is it ! " it was a man who said it

" It's Alexa ! " I yelled through the door

The door opened and it was Ricky that opened the door we said hello then embraced each other with a hug , he then lets me in their hotel room was really big i see Christina on the sofa on her phone while rubbing her small baby bump, she looks up from her phone then smiles as we both webbed in for a hug.

" Finally you came back from hiding , I thought i had to kidnap you". She says

" Yeah , a lot of things happened for the past couple of weeks " i said sitting down beside her

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