Right By Your Side

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Alexa P.O.V

It was eleven o clock at night i was getting ready for bed looking at myself in the bathroom mirror my eyes looks puffy because of the crying i have been doing for the past couple of hours now, I have no idea where Chris is right now but at this point i really don't care. He makes me so mad at times one minute we are fine then he just fucks it all up with no hesitation.

I washed my face real quickly then i walked out then got in our California king size bed turning on the tv and housewife's of ATL was on so i just watched that.

I hear the bedroom door open and see Chris walking in closing the door behind himself, I just rolled my eyes then turned back to watch the show. He walks up to me and sit on the end of the bed and just looks at me, Getting irritated i groan at him then said.

Alexa: What Chris ?

Chris: We need to talk, Baby Girl.

Alexa: Don't call me that , What do you want?

Chris: I want to apologize about really everything, I am very happy about this baby and not going to lie i am really freaking out. My mind is fucking running right now, But i am here with you every step of the way for this pregnancy baby girl i just know that i am going to be very overly protective now it's a baby coming into the picture.

Alexa: I am freaking out too, My vagina is not going to look the same anymore!

Chris just laughed and kissed my head then said while laying down next to me in the bed.

Chris: Out of everything you're worried about that? Baby i will still eat you out no matter what it looks like because i love you for you.

Alexa: Haha ew you dork,

Chris: I am just saying, You are beautiful i will be a fool not to love you head to toe.

Alexa: You are very sweet when you want to be. I just don't want to be like my parents growing up I wasn't raised bad but it could've been better.

Chris: Yeah that's what i am worried about the most ending up doing something that put us in danger, If anything happens to you or the baby i'll flip shit like Jesus himself.

Alexa: So what's the plan? With the mafia in Italy ?

Chris: What do you mean ?

Alexa: They shot Dre your right hand man, and took off with your drugs i know you have a plan.

Chris: We are keeping a low profile I have some new guys across seas to help us out, So i am still going to be working but just small stuff  until it's time but for now i will be here with you.

Alexa: Why can't we just leave..Leave this lifestyle start fresh focus on our future.

Chris: Alexa no we both know that we can't do that, We have families of power we both made promises to our families to be wedded to make both families high of power.

I took a step back from Chris, I want to go away from this place this whole situation and the fact he's going back over to Italy worries me a lot our child will almost be here by that time.

Alexa: I love you i had to grow to love you and i am telling you that i want you to be safe, our family Chris i want my family to be safe! I want to be at peace forever not just for a couple of months you have to understand..

Chris: Alexa, I am sorry okay i wish i can give you that but I can't . Picture us like this i am ruler to my family of the mafia and Goons, YOU are also a ruler to your family Mafia and Goons when you married me. Our family look at us as like the royal family we are carrying a family legacy that's been here for two generations , we have presidents, congress , F.B.I , C.I.A after us that's not even counting other gang related people after us or joining us. I am saying this because they are our people that we take care after like they take of us risking everything.

Alexa: So i am just here to just pop out kids to live on a family legacy? Fuck that you sound crazy as fuck! We can leave you said it yourself let's just do it !



Chris took a deep breath before saying anything he finally makes eye contact with me, he holds my hand and said.

Chris: I know you are scared. Of what happened at the bar in Italy but i am telling you now that I LOVE YOU and i am here with you i won't let anybody touch you or our baby that's coming into this world i promise, So as a apology gift i want to show you something real quick.

I followed him down the hallway to one of our guest bedrooms he opens the door then turns the light on it was a baby room. It was so adorable i walked in the room looking around seeing everything was pretty much baby proof, he already had diapers and wipes in the drawers
huge teddy bears , little bears with a love sofa while the color in the room was white with tan brown color it was perfect.

 It was so adorable i walked in the room looking around seeing everything was pretty much baby proof, he already had diapers and wipes in the drawershuge teddy bears , little bears with a love sofa while the color in the room was white with tan br...

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Alexa: It's so beautiful hunny.. Thank you.

Chris kissed me on my lips then smiled at me then hold me closer to him. Chris looks down at my little swollen belly hesitant he try's to rest  his hand on my stomach, i took his hand putting his hand on my belly then i told Chris.

Alexa: It's Okay, You can touch my belly.

Chris: Honestly I just don't want to screw up. But i am right by your side always and forever.

I smiled at him then kissed his forehead putting our foreheads together while looking in each others eyes then i said.

Alexa: Always and forever my love.

End Of Chapter 🙂💕

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End Of Chapter 🙂💕.

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