Chapter 2: Spinning Out Waiting

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It was the first show of the residency and I sat in a corner of Harry's dressing room talking to Lloyd his photographer. We talked about what shots Harry really liked, what he didn't. I was really happy Lloyd and I had different shooting styles because it would result in so many different shots to use for socials.

"So, is Harry always this.....unpleasant?" I said lowly, as I flipped through his work.

"What you mean? Hazza? Unpleasant?" Lloyd raised an eyebrow at me and I shrugged.

"I accidentally bumped into him in the hall the other day, and ever since then, he looks at me like I'm a pest or something." I smiled small handing him back his camera.

"Nah, Haz, he's just shy."

"Sure, if that's what you want to call it." I rolled my eyes playfully and he chuckled lightly.

"So, I'll send you some pictures and you can send me some too. That way we have a good mix." He said, changing out his lens.

"That's what I was thinking, we're going to have a good variety, I'm excited." I smiled and he did too.

"Hey Lloyd, you going to get some shots back here?" Harry called out to him.

"Yeah!" Lloyd said standing up, "Just wanted to make sure that Maia and I had different shot lists and stuff. Didn't want repeats."

"Not like it would compare anyways." Harry said looking back in the mirror and Lloyd's head shot back slightly, turning to me, an eyebrow raised.

I raised both my eyebrows, my face reading "I told you so" all over it. I took a deep breath and sighed, shaking my head a bit. I switched out my lens and fixed the settings for the room, starting to snap some shots.

Regardless of how Harry was acting towards me earlier, I couldn't lie and say his concert was horrible, because it wasn't. It was one of my favorite photography experiences I have had in a long time.

His energy literally radiated to every inch of the arena, and it just pumped Lloyd and I up further. I was thankful for the one or two times Harry actually played towards my lens giving me some really great shots to work with. I got some epic shots of the audience as well, catching every laugh, every tear and every wildly inappropriate sign I could find in the audience.

When the show was over, Lloyd and I walked back together exchanging cameras and looking at the pictures we caught.

"Oh my gosh, these look like they are going to be so much fun to edit!" I exclaimed. He was so good at what he did, I had to make sure to get every tip possible.

"Maia, these are great too! The ones were he played towards the camera, the angle, I need to try that! I bet he's going to love it." He looked at me and we exchanged cameras.

"Yeah, if you tell him you took the photo maybe." I rolled my eyes turning off my camera.

"You know what, edit that photo and I will. I love him, but let's put him in his place a little. Maybe he'll be nicer." Lloyd teased and I nodded.

"Alright, but if he gets mad, it was your idea." I said as we walked into Harry's dressing room to gather our things. I felt relieved knowing he went straight home after the show and I wouldn't have to bump into him again tonight.


I N S T A G R A M@harrystyles

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