Chapter 20: Mistake

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I knocked on the door and waited until Mr. Drew called me in. I opened the door and walked in, he was sitting at his office looking out the window, biting his lip.

"Hi Mr. Drew, thanks for meeting with me." I said walking over and sitting in front of him.

"Please call me Jared, and you're welcome. How can I help you?" He said bringing his gaze to me.

"It's about Maia, actually. And the job I offered her." I swallowed hard as he looked down, "I just need you to know it's not just based on selfish reasons. I really did it thinking of her, and her dreams. I know you have concerns, of me getting over her, or bored of her. I don't see that happening sir. She's changed my world. For the better. I don't know how I could be without her. But in the case we were to break up, everywhere we go, she will have her own room, or home whatever, she will have a separate living space. I would never fire her, she would finish her entire contract. She deserves this sir, she is really good, Lloyd praises her work, we've been posting so many of her photos because of how good she is."

"Harry....I just," he looked at me, "She's all I have, and I don't agree with this. I don't think she should go."

"But sir, it would benefit her. She wants to be a travel photographer—Harry she also wanted to do three other things in a span of a year."

"She has said this is the one thing that hasn't faded away. Out of everything. She gets new lens at least every other day. She has learned so much already from Lloyd." I said sitting closer to the desk.

"Harry, look, I appreciate you trying. But I know my daughter. She will get over this."

"Sir with all do respect, she's had to get over things because you have stood in her way each time." I bit my lip, knowing I was over stepping.

He inhaled deeply, staring at me, the silence in the room was so loud.

"Harry, please leave my office." He said sternly, turning his chair away from me.

I took a deep breath and stood up, making his way to the door. Before walking out, I turned to him, "She loves you sir, you are her world, but don't make her chose this way. It will break her. She's pretending to be strong right now, but it will destroy her."

I walked out closing the door behind me.

Maia's POV

Megan helped me empty out my drawers, sorting through things I could donate.

"My, are you sure you want to start emptying out? What if your dad changes his mind?" She said, opening up a new bag.

"Either way, I need to get rid of things. It's been a while since I've done this. So I'll feel prepared, and if I need you to send me things, you'll have an easier time finding them." I smiled, folding up my favorite sweater.

"I guess you're right on that one. So what are we making for Harry tonight?"

"I was thinking that shrimp stuff your mom makes, with the ketchup and hot sauce. Always spicy and yummy." I smiled, holding up a sweater to Megan.

"Yeah that's needs to go," she laughed, "and we can make that, you just have to make the rice, I can't for the life of me do it."

I laughed and nodded, "Done deal."

I tossed the sweater to the donate pile and leaned back on my bed, "I'm so tired, let's stop for today? I don't want my dad to come home and find us here."

"Alright, let's just push the piles to the side for now." She said and I nodded, getting up and helping her do just that.

As we walked out she wrapped her arm around me, "I'm proud of you. I'm going to keep telling you that so you don't change your mind."

I laughed, even with the uneasy feeling in my stomach, "I won't, I promise."

Harry's POV

When I got home Megan and Maia were dancing around the kitchen to Lizzo, and I hung by the entrance watching them. They sang into spoons and I chuckled softly, as they seemed to work through a previously choreographed routine.

"You two should audition for the X-Factor." I said out loud and they both stopped and looked at me and burst into laughter.

Maia put down her spoon and ran over to me, throwing herself in my arms, and I caught her quickly.

"I missed you. Where have you been all day?" She said and kissed me again and again.

I chuckled, "I had some things to do. But tomorrow I'll be home all day, I promise. Plus you spent time with Megan."

"I know, I still missed you. I'm just getting needy cause you're leaving soon, that's all." She smiled small and I chuckled.

"I'll make up for it, I promise." I smiled and kissed her forehead, "What are you two making, it smells good?"

"This shrimp Meg's mom makes and some steamed rice. It's my favorite dish at their house." She said letting go of me as we moved to the kitchen.

"Hi Meg, how are you?" I smiled and she analyzed my face, and I knew she was wondering how it went.

"I'm good and you?"

I shrugged and ran my fingers through my hair, "Uh, my meeting today didn't go as planned, but I went to it, so that's important." I said, pressing my lips into a small smile and she nodded small, disappointment in her eyes.

"At least you went, that's important." She said and Maia looked up at me.

"What was the meeting for?"

"Oh, I wanted to perform at a venue in the UK but it didn't work. It's okay though, next year." I smiled, I hated lying to her, but she would never forgive me for speaking to her father behind her back.

"Well their loss babe, missing out on the show of a lifetime." She smiled and I laughed slightly.

"I agree, so how can I help you ladies speed this up, I'm starving."

Maia chuckled and kissed my arm before making her way over to Megan, "Um, grab plates and help Meg serve, I'll set up the rest of the table."

"You got it."

We ate our meal and I couldn't help but watch Megan and Maia interact with each other, my soul hurt, hoping I wasn't doing the wrong thing.

Maia had a life here, she was happy, she had work, friends, family. She didn't have a care in the world other than making it to MSG on time, and even that wasn't a bother.

I looked down at my food, moving things around not feeling too hungry anymore even though everything was delicious.

I suddenly felt Maia lean over and kiss my cheek softly, "Hey, you don't like it?" She said softly searching my face.

"No, no, I love it. Just not that hungry right now." I bit my lip searching her face.

"You okay?" She asked, concern in her eyes,

"Yeah, I'm fine love. Just tired I think."

"You aren't a good liar, Harold." She giggled softly.

"I just, I hope I didn't make a mistake in asking you. Taking you away from Meg. Your dad." I shook my head looking down.

She squeezed my arm softly and shook her head, "Nope. Not a mistake, I promise Haz. Not at all. So please, wipe that thought from your mind. Okay? I'm a little stressed, so please don't add to it."

I looked at her and nodded, "Okay. Okay." I smiled small and leaned forward and kissed her softly.

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