Chapter 18: No

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I paced around the outside of my dads office. I didn't know how I was going to tell him. Especially since I had made the decision to go regardless of what he said. I kept pacing back in forth until I heard him say my name, causing me to jump up.

He laughed and raised an eyebrow at me, "I didn't mean to scare you, you alright?"

"Yeah, sorry, just caught up in my thoughts. Um, can I talk to you before you leave for the day?" I said, crossing my arms in front of me to keep me from fidgeting too much.

"Of course, come on, let's head inside." I nodded and was relieved when I peeked down the hall, to see Vance did get my text.

I smiled small at him and he hurried over, my dad looking between us, "So, a family meeting?"

"Uh, kinda. He's just here for, support I guess." I bit my lip and looked down walking past my dad into the office.

We all took our seats, my dad behind his desk, Vance and I across from him.

I took a deep breath and cleared my throat, "So obviously, you know I....I appreciate...." I stopped shaking my head. I couldn't stop the tears that started falling. I wiped them quickly.

"Maia, sweetie, you know you can tell me anything." He adjusted himself in his seat leaning over. I searched his eyes, before glancing over at Vance. He reached across and held my hand as I turned back to my dad.

"I uh, I got offered a job." I said quietly.

"Oh, where?"

"With Harry, to be Lloyd's second, during the LA residency and all of Latin America, Asia, and everywhere after that." I said softly. My dad stared at me with a blank expression. His eyes going to Vance then back to me.

"You know, I want nothing more than to be a traveling concert photographer. And this would give me the experie—No." he said interrupting me.

"What?" I said softly.

"No, Maia. This isn't a good idea. He's only inviting you because you both are in this fling of a relationship."

"Dad, that's not true. He knows this is what I want to do, this would give me the exper—No, Maia Drew I said, no. What happens when he breaks your heart? When he fires you because he doesn't want to see you? That's what's going to happen! That's all pop stars like him want, a temporary piece of the pie until they get their fill."

"Jared! That's your daughter you are talking about." Vance said, scooting forward in his seat.

"Exactly. So I know what I'm saying. I'm protecting her." My dad said raising his voice at Vance.

"Protecting me from what dad? Possible heartbreak? That could happen even if he stayed here." I said letting go of Vance's hand.

"The answer is no Maia!" He said, his voice almost a yell.

I leaned forward, my voice stern, "I didn't come here to ask for permission. I'm almost thirty, I came here to inform you. That this is my two weeks notice, and I'll have it in your email by tonight."

"You won't have a job anymore. You won't have a home to come back to. If you leave you will have to fend for yourself. You want to be an adult, then you'll act like one."

"Jared, think about—Vance I'm sorry but this is my daughter. Please stay out of this."

I felt my eyes widen, and I instantly turned to Vance. I could see the hurt in his eyes, as he took a long dragged out breath. Standing up slowly, "Right. I'll be in my office." He leaned down and kissed my head before walking out of my dads office.

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