Chapter 7: Strongly Dislike

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I sat outside of Harry's dressing room as always, emptying out my SD cards to prepare for the next few shows. Today was the first day Harry wasn't early, and all the whiplash from him made me feel nervous about this.

When he finally did show up, he surprised me by sitting next to me instead of on his usual side of the door. He handed me an iced coffee and I smiled, "Thank you. I actually needed this right now."

"Welcome, I wasn't sure how you liked it, but I feel like you can't go wrong with vanilla."

I chuckled taking a sip, "You really can't."

"So, the other night was fun. I'm glad you came. Meg really seemed to enjoy herself too."

I bit my lip, "Megan can make a good time out of anything, which is why I love her. We would get in so much trouble together. One time, we filled this entire hallway with balloons as a prank, my dad was pissed, but everyone else thought it was hilarious." I giggled.

"You know, you would think being the bosses daughter would make you....up tight, but you're the complete opposite."

"Oh, definitely. I have Vance to thank for that. He raised me to be free spirited, and my role models were the ladies of Sex and the City so, you know, I learned from the best."

He laughed and raised an eyebrow, "Is Vance your dads....partner?"

I almost spit out my coffee and laughed a bit, "Oh my gosh no, my dad is straighter than straight. Vance is his best friend from college. My dad used to protect him from all the assholes at their highly conservative school, and he's kinda stepped in to help my dad raise me. Now Vance, totally gay, and totally one of my favorite people in the world." I smiled at Harry.

I watched as he reached up and wiped my chin, causing me to bite my lip, and look away, "Sorry, you just had some coffee."

I shook my head a bit, "It's fine. So I get a sneak peak at todays outfit?"

"Nope, you have to earn those privileges. And you're on probation."

I quickly turned to him, and he had a stupid smirk on his face. I narrowed my eyes at him and shook my head, "I'm on probation? I've been nothing but nice."

He shrugged, "I don't know. You got me stuck in an elevator."

I glared at him and he laughed, "What?"

I couldn't help but shove him a bit, "I think I liked it better when you talked less to me."

We both laughed and I leaned my head back against the wall. I turned back to him and smiled, "You know, this is the Harry I envisioned you being. You kind of broke my inner 16 year old heart when we first met."

He turned to me and pinched his lower lip between his fingers, "I'll make it up to her."

Lloyd and I had a blast at the concert, dancing around as we got our shots of the show. Between him, Harry and I, we kept cracking up during songs. Harry was super playful with me as I took the photos and I couldn't help the blush that kept creeping over my cheeks when he was.

There was just something about Harry when he was performing that was so captivating. So when he brought that attention towards me, I felt slightly weak at the knees.

When the concert was over, Harry surprised me when he was waiting in his dressing room. Lloyd and I began packing up our stuff and I could feel Harry's gaze on me.

I licked my lips sucking my lower lip in between my teeth. Lloyd glanced over at Harry then at me, before chuckling, "Um, I need to hurry out. I'll see you both tomorrow!"

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