Chapter 24: Maia's Grand Tour Expansion

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Harry and I stood in the kitchen prepping dinner. He got salmon for himself and I was making steaks for Vance and I. I prepped some extra to send home with Vance, deciding to also grill shrimp for everyone. I prepped all the proteins while he worked on the side, and I couldn't help but laugh as I watched him cook.

"What are you laughing at?"

I shrugged, "My tattooed rock star cooking, I don't know why it's funny to me."

He rolled his eyes, "I can fend for myself thank you very much." He said and I bit my lip nodding.

"I know Haz, I'm just teasing." I smiled softly.

"Lucky I love you." He smiled and I shook my head. Since this morning he had found any excuse to say it, and it melted me more and more each time.

I looked around his pots until I found a cast iron skillet, and began heating it up. I worked my way through the steaks and the shrimp and before I knew it, Vance was ringing the doorbell.

Harry went and answered while I finished serving and bringing everything over to the table. I listened to Harry as he greeted Vance and instantly froze at the sound of another voice. A voice I could recognize anywhere. My dad's voice.

I quickly turned away from the hall, walking back and holding onto the sink. I chewed on my lower lip as I heard them entering the dining room.

"Let me set up the last place at the table for you Jared. Both of you have a seat." I heard Harry say, and I began washing the dishes. Harry came up behind me, pretending to look through the drying rack for a dish.

"Baby, I had no idea. I swear, but maybe it's a good thing." He whispered to me, and I nodded softly, placing the dish I was washing to dry. I try to reach for another and he stopped me, grabbing my arm softly, "Maia. It'll be okay, I'm here, I promise."

"Okay, um, there should be enough food. Good thing I had made that extra one to send home with Vance." I said pointing over to the food and Harry took the lead serving it.

Once he was done I took a deep breath, and we both made our way over sitting at the table. I couldn't bring my gaze to my dad's. I felt too nervous to even think of it.

"Everything smells delicious you two!" Vance exclaimed, starting to cut into his steak.

Harry sensing my tension began speaking, clearing his throat, "Thank you Vance, Maia did all the protein, I did the sides."

He glanced over at me and I met his gaze smiling small. I turned to Vance, "I made the steak like you taught me."

"I can tell, the rosemary, it's delicious." He smiled and I nodded.

"It's not steak without rosemary, that's what you always taught me." I smiled and looked down cutting my steak.

"Did you use lemon on the shrimp?" I heard my dad say, and I took a deep breath modding.

"Yeah, um, lemon pepper and some garlic." I said softly pushing my veggies around.

"Well, it taste delicious, Maia."

"Thanks." I said, swallowing softly, "Oh my gosh I forgot the wine." I said pushed away from the table softly and walking over to Harry's small wine rack, grabbing a white and a red. I placed them on the table and made my way over to the kitchen to grab the opener.

I came back and started opening the bottles, always struggling to do so without ruining the cork. I tried to be careful, and when he saw my struggling my dad stood up, holding out his hand so that he could help. I took a deep breath, handing him the bottle. I sat back in my seat and began chewing on my lip. I felt so uncomfortable, and I hated that I was creating tension at dinner. I didn't know how I was supposed to act. I didn't understand why he was here.

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