Chapter 22: Thank You

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Maia's POV

I got up from bed as slowly as possible to not wake up Harry. It was seven in the morning and I wanted to make sure he was well rested for the final show.

I had meetings every hour starting at 7:30 until 10:30 for todays show. We would be honoring Harry for his record of 15 consecutive shows at MSG, and I wanted to make sure he was surprised.

Not only that, everyone would be receiving last show gifts and I needed my social team out and grabbing as much shots of everything as we could.

I ran over my notes as I made my coffee and couldn't help the pride I felt for Harry. I always was proud when I got to witness artist break records at MSG, but this one felt beyond special. I didn't have words for it.

I brought my coffee over and a piece of sweet bread and started setting up my station on the table, making sure to have my camera facing away from the hallways just in case. I pulled out my AirPods and popped one in, starting to log into my first meeting. I was dreading this one, as I knew my dad would be running it. This would be the first interaction we would be having since I spoke to him in his office and I was nervous.

Slowly people started joining the meeting, say their good mornings. There was small chatter and laughs, but once my dad logged on there was silence. My dad went through the run down of tonight, touching on each team and how they would accomplish their part tonight. I bit my lip, anxiously waiting for him to call on my department. To my surprise, he never did, and the first call ended. I couldn't help but roll my eyes as I closed out the meeting on my end, feeling my heart break at the same time.

I missed my dad, a lot. Reaching out though, felt like giving in, and I just couldn't. Not this time, I finally felt so happy and free. I took a deep breath and worked through the rest of my meeting without Harry getting up.

I wandered back into the room when they were done, and climbed on top of him softly, leaning down and kissing his cheek, "Baby."

"Mmm, five more minutes." He said softly, and I chuckled.

"It's almost noon now, Harry. You gotta start your day."

He turned a bit and peeked up at me, "You actually let me sleep in?"

"I had work meetings all morning, so you got lucky." I smiled. I couldn't help but admire him and his face. I was going to miss waking up to him every morning. I was going to miss how hard it was to wake him up. The warmth of his body. How he always smelled sweet in the morning, the tobacco scent fading first.

"What are you staring at?" He turned slowly, so I could stay on top of him, but he was as facing me.

"You. I'm going to miss this Haz. I wish I didn't have to finish out another week here." I smiled small and he shook his head.

"Trust me Maia, I know you, you need this final week. This has been your whole life baby. Trust me."

I took a deep breath and nodded, tracing over her bare stomach, "I know. My dad completely skipped over me in the meeting today. He just moved on and ended it." I chewed on my lip and took in a slow breath.

Harry maneuvered his body so he could sit up, and wrapped his arms around me, "He'll come around baby. I know he will. I can feel it, and I'm normally right about these things. I'm a genius."

He said and I couldn't help but giggle, "Mmm, right. I'll let you believe that." I teased and he nipped at my collarbone softly.

"Alright, come on, let's shower." He said, moving his legs off the bed and holding onto me.

"What do you mean let's?" I raised an eyebrow holding on to him as he stood up holding me.

"We have to conserve water. Something about the ocean, and fish and all that." He said, barely able to keep a straight face and I just laughed. We made it to the bathroom and he pointed at the shower with his head, so I reached over and turned it on.

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