Chapter 4: Laughable

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I was grateful when my dad text me I could work from home the next day. There was nothing better than sitting in your bed, drinking your coffee and enjoying the soft pillows all around while editing.

I had different windows open on my computer, Instagram, photoshop, email and my scheduling app. I kept bouncing between all of them making sure I had an even amount of Harry posts mixed in with other events.

As I worked my phone began ringing, my best friend Megan on the other line. I picked up and placed her on speaker.

"Hi M!" Her voice rang through the phone.

"Hi Megaaan, what's up?"

"Um, Harry Styles just casually tagging you in his stories is what's up! I need details! What's he like?"

I took a deep breath, "Well, umm, remember back in our 1D days how we swore he and Niall were the sweetest out of all of them?"

"No, don't say it," she groaned over the phone and I chuckled.

"I mean, to be fair, he's nice to everyone else, he's just...been an ass to me. And I don't even know what I did to be honest." I bit my lip, casually opening up a picture of Harry on my laptop, "He's incredibly handsome in person though."

She giggled and I couldn't help but join in, "Uh, I can only imagine. Is your dad going to let me come to a show?"

"Probably, I just haven't asked. I'll do it when he gets home I promise."

"Good, and then you must make sure I meet Harry."

I chuckled and rolled my eyes, "You do realize that if he knows you're my friend, he might just not like you either."

"You're right, I'll have your dad introduce me." She teased and I gasp.

"And with that statement I'm going to hang up now. Bye Meg."

"Bye, M."

The days off flew by a lot quicker than I would have liked, and as I sat in the hall outside of Harry's dressing room, I couldn't help but doze off a bit.

I heard footsteps approaching, and guessing they were Harry's I just kept my eyes shut. I'd worry about getting some pictures later.

"Long night?" He asked softly and I nodded.

"Billy Joel puts on a show."

He chuckled, "I bet he does. Kenzie actually opened the doors for me early today, there are couches in here, if you wanna sit on those instead."

I peeked an eye at him, feeling cautious about how nice he was being at the moment, "Mmm, sure."

I got up, gathering my things as we stepped inside. I picked the chair with the foot rest and placed my bag at my side, pulling out my laptop.

I watched as he laid on the couch across from me, pooping his AirPods in as always. I couldn't help but feel curious about what he was listening too. Was it his favorite song? A podcast?

I bit my lip looking down, realizing I had been staring again. It really was a bad habit, but completely beneficial when it came to photography. When you stare at something for so long, you know exactly where the light needs to be to capture its true beauty, what shadows will make it look less like itself.

Yet when it came to normal everyday human interaction, it wasn't exactly my favorite habit to have. I also hated my curiosity about Harry. It was almost like this whole act was working in his favor, like it was exactly what he wanted.

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