Chapter 12: Don't Leave

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AN: It's a long smutty chapter lol.

We walked into his rental and I took off my shoes, my feet throbbing from the ice skating.

"I swear they don't tell you how much your feet will hurt after that." I said rolling my ankles.

"Do you want socks? Keep your feet warm?" He smiled and I nodded.

"Thank you." I smiled.

He left into his room and I sat on the couch, taking in a deep breath. The house felt different without everyone here.

"These are super thick, my favorite." He smiled as he came back out. He handed me the socks as he sat down next to me.

"Thanks Haz." I slipped them on my feet, and when I was done, he pulled my legs onto his lap, massaging them softly.

"I'm ready to be back on stage the day after tomorrow. I'm feeling reenergized." He smiled over at me.

"It's nice you get three days in between. It's a good break time."

"Yeah, it also lengthens the amount of time I'm here, so I appreciate it. I think I'm going to hang around here before heading to Texas. Leave on the last day possible." He said as he massaged down my calf to my feet.

"Really?" I bit my lip.

"Yeah, I have someone I need to get to know a bit more." He half smiled, peeking his eyes at me.

I couldn't help but laugh, as I leaned over and kissed his cheek softly. He turned his head to me, running the tip of his nose along mine. He kissed it softly.

"I'm still so confused as to how two weeks ago, turned into this moment." I whispered to him.

"Well, simple, I got to know you. And now I want to know more of you." He whispered, moving his hand to the side of my face, running his thumb along my cheek softly.

"And what happens when your time here is up?"

"Do we have to think that far ahead?" He asked, searching my eyes. I felt myself take a deep breath. I was never one, to not go with the flow. It's how I went through life. I hated following rules and set guidelines; yet for once I was scared. I didn't want to get hurt.

But what if you don't get hurt.

I bit my lip, searching his eyes, "I don't want to get hurt, Harry."

"That's always a risk though. Even if we had all the time in the world." He ran his finger softly along my lower lip.

I felt him slipping his hand softly under my chin, bring my lips to his, kissing me softly. I let myself melt into the moment kissing him back. Once I did, he deepened the kiss, his fingers tracing along my jaw as he did, until his hand covered it completely.

I felt lost in him, and I pulled him softly against me as I laid back on the couch. He shifted so my legs slid off him, as he maneuvered himself on top of me. His lips never left mine, until I broke the kiss, catching my breath.

"Okay." I whispered, "Just going to go with the flow."

He smiled down at me, I loved feeling the weight of his body against me. The way he looked at me, as he softly ran his fingers through my hair. He leaned down and placed multiple small kisses along my lips then face causing me to laugh a bit.

"Good choice, Maia Drew." He whispered against my forehead before kissing it softly.

He brought his lips back to mine, and we spent the rest of the evening tangled up in each other. His kisses feeding into the bursts of color that kept happening in my body; and I swear, every time I opened my eyes, my worlds color shifted into something brighter than I'd ever seen.

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