Chapter 5: Just Ten More

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Wishing you could have been at night 5

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Wishing you could have been at night 5

I smiled at my post waiting for Lloyd to come out of Harry's dressing room so we could go grab food together.

When Lloyd came out, he linked his arm with mine and we began walking towards the exit, "We are going to Harry's tonight!"

"Wait what?" My eyes widened at him slightly.

"He's having people over for drinks and pizza. He has left over energy from the show."

"Interesting for someone who said in an interview that he doesn't drink on tour." I rolled my eyes playfully.

"I mean he doesn't....all the time." Lloyd chuckled and I shook my head.

"Alright let's go."

When we got to Harry's we said hi to everyone from the band, a couple of crew members were also present. I glanced around the room until my eyes landed on Harry. He was talking to people from the crew. He was so animated, using his hands to help describe whatever he was talking about.

Today had been another day of cold shoulder Harry, and I felt that pang of jealousy again seeing him being so happy with others. I had been staring a bit too long when his eyes looked over locking with mine. He rolled his eyes slightly and I quickly looked away, striking up a conversation with Sarah.

For some reason every time I tried to make a conversation with someone, he was always nearby. Always within an arms length, always within my point of view.

The rest of the night was much like this, a cold shoulder, getting caught looking over, and a look of disgust basically. By 2:00 am, I was ready to head home. I walked around the house trying to find Lloyd, as I was about to turn into the kitchen, I stopped as I heard Harry's voice.

"She walks around on her high horse cause daddy is the manager. Like get out of here. And then Jeff forcing me to post her photos, just riding on my mine and Lloyd's coattail? Kinda pathetic."

He turned the corner walking into me as he said the last words. I got knocked back a bit, and the tears I was trying to hold back stung on my cheeks.

"You're kinda in my way." I said shortly.

I watched as his facial expression instantly dropped, his eyes widened and I quickly turned to walk away. I would text Lloyd later, right now I just needed to get out of here.

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