Chapter 11: Ice Rink in September

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AN: If you've never seen Serendipity there is a spoiler in this chapter.

Getting through work the next day was so hard. I couldn't concentrate on anything other than Harry Styles. Which wasn't a bad thing to concentrate on, but when my dad kept trying to get my attention and my mind was elsewhere; we had a problem.

"Maia. Yes or no?"

I sat up straight, "I'm sorry....yes or no on what?"

I saw his eye roll and bit my lip, "Sorry, this weeks jam packed, my minds all over the place."

"Yes or no on starting to mixing in sporting events posts. Or are we keeping it just mostly Harry still?"

"Oh, uh, yes to the sporting! I sent you a whole mock up earlier."

He glanced down at his computer, scrolling, "Maia, I have nothing from you."

"Really?" I glanced down at my computer quickly, scrambling through realizing I never pressed send. I closed my eyes taking a deep breath, before finally pushing the email through.

"Sorry, my bad, you should be getting it in just a minute, we can share on the display if you like."

He shook his head, "Next meeting is fine. It looks good from what I can see. Make sure your team stays on top of it."

You mean make sure I stay on top of it.

I nodded my head, "Will do dad."

When the meeting ended, I tried to pack up as quickly as I could in hopes of avoiding a lecture from him. It was the last thing I wanted today.

"Maia, a minute please."


"Of course dad." I smiled, finishing up my cleanup and closing my bag.

Once everyone left he came over and leaned on the table next to me, "You alright there kid? You were a mess today in every meeting."

"Yeah dad, sorry, I just. I honestly don't have a valid excuse. And my only excuse is usually stuff I discuss with either Megan or Vance, so......yeah. I'll just, do better next time." I smiled, blowing my hair out of my face.

"A boy? A boy has you acting this way?"

I hid my face, "Dad, please no."

"Do I know him? I mean the only men you've been spending time with are Lloyd and Harry....oh. Maia."

"Dad. Can we not? Please? I'm being professional, I haven't broken any rules. I just, dad. Please." I pleaded with my eyes for him to drop it, and by some miracle he did.

"Just. Be responsible Maia. However you want to take that, but, be responsible." He said before quickly looking away.

"Okay. And that's my cue to leave." I turned to the door quickly stopping in my tracks, "Um, I think I'm going over to Harry's tonight actually. I'll be home late. Okay,...bye. Love you!" I quickly made my way out before he could say anything else.

It didn't matter anyway, I was a grown ass woman. He would just have to deal with it.

"He kissed you?!" Megan yelled at me through the phone and I laughed.

"Yeah. It sweet. I keep replaying it in my head." I smiled big.

"How does one go from having Harry Styles basically despise them to then kiss them?"

"Well he technically never hated me, he just felt the need to keep being an ass after...well being an ass."

We both laughed, I and looked back in the mirror fixing my eyeliner, "So what are you two doing tonight?"

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