Chapter 16: Scale of 1 to 10

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AN: UM THANKS FOR ALMOST 2K READS! Sorry for the late update, I'm actually in New York right now and feeling inspired to write more. It's a short chapter but enjoy!

Edit 12/18/22: just got back from NYC. I'm writing the next chapter, just tired! LOL bare with me.

I knocked on Vance's office door and he called me in.

"Hi Vancie." I smiled small as he turned and looked at me.

"Oh hi sweetie, let me just finish putting this stuff away." He smiled, filing away the rest of his paperwork. I sat on the chairs in front of his desk, swinging my legs over the arm rests in the middle. I chewed on my bottom lip, pinching the other side.

"Oh dear, this is a serious visit." I heard Vance say and I peeked up at him and let go of my lip.

"That obvious?"

"You might have ripped that poor lip off. Closed door conversation then?"

I nodded and he walked over closing the door. He came back and he sat across from me, leaning on his desk, "Okay, spill."

"Umm, on a scale of one to ten, one being don't even bother and ten being hell yes go for it, how do you think my dad would feel about me, leaving here, to work for Harry as a second photographer, lots of traveling. And all that."

Vance raised both his eyebrows, and bit his lip, trying to hide an obvious smile, "They offered you that job?"

I nodded, "Yeah. Harry showed me the contract yesterday, and Lloyd won't stop texting me to please say yes."

"Maia, honey, your dad, is obviously a one on that scale. But I'm a hard ten....and I think you should be too." He smiled, quickly reaching up and wiping away a tear.

"Vance, but....if my dad isn't on board. You know how he is. He'll make sure I don't want to go. He—Maia stop. You are almost thirty honey. It's time did a big girl thing. You have always and I mean always bent to your dads will, but we can't have that anymore. This is literally what you always talk to me about doing. This could open so many doors. Plus, you'd really get to give things a try with Harry. You deserve that sweetie. Your dad will be fine."

I took a deep breath, hiding my face in my hands as I started crying. I felt so overwhelmed. I peeked my eyes up as I felt Vance's arms wrap around me.

"I can be there when you talk to him if you want. I won't leave you alone to do that." He said kissing the top of my head and I nodded.

"Thanks Vance." I smiled small wiping my face, "Ugh, I'm a mess."

"Yet you still manage to look so pretty." He teased and I couldn't help but laugh.

I chuckled, "Ugh, okay. I gotta go. I have stuff to edit. I'll probably tell him before the show on the 15th. Give him time to think about it."

"Just let me know when and where and I'll be there to help you tell him. Love you Mai."

"Love you too, Vance." I smiled as I walked out of his office.

I walked into Harry's brick stone that night using the spare key he had given me.

"Babe?" I called out, and the house was silent.

I peeked around and was surprised to find out he wasn't home. I text him letting him know I was at the house and began looking through his kitchen cabinets.

I was hungry and he didn't have much, but somehow I managed to find enough things to make pancakes from scratch.

I began mixing everything together in a bowl, taking out a small skillet and buttering it up. I pour two small pancakes on it, and kept this process going.

I was just about done when I heard the front door open.

"It smells delicious in here." He called out and I smiled flipping a pancake.

"I'm making breakfast! Did you grab the syrup like I asked?" I said, and soon I heard his foot steps behind me. He wrapped his arm around me, waving the syrup bottle in the other. I laughed and turned my face to him.

"Thank you babe." I smiled and he kissed me softly.

"So breakfast for dinner huh?" He raised a soft eyebrow.

"It's my favorite and you also didn't have much for me to work with." I smiled and he kissed my shoulder softly, letting go and moving to the counter next to the stove, placing down the syrup.

"Fair enough. So, did you think about my offer?"

"I did. I'm going to talk to my dad on the 15th, before he leaves for the day. Give him some time to think it over." I smiled small.

"How do you think that will go?" He asked and I shrugged, keeping my eyes on the pancake.

"Well, I don't know. Vance thinks he will freak out, but that I should do it regardless."

"Vance is my favorite you know that?" He teased and I looked up at him rolling my eyes.

"Of course. I haven't said I agree with that though. I still, don't know. I want to. Really want to, but I don't want to make drastic decisions." I peeked up at him and he nodded.

"I'm not pressuring you baby, I know, trust me." He smiled leaning over and kissing my cheek, "I'm going to set the table, do you like butter with your pancakes?"

"Always." I smiled and he nodded before pushing off the counter to set up while I finished.

We sat and ate our pancakes, and I kept glancing over at him, my mind running a mile a minute.

"Baby, I can't read your mind you know?" He said taking a bite and I laughed.

"I know, I really want to travel around the world being linked up to someone. You don't want to just enjoy it being single?"

"Maia, why do you keep trying to find a way out?"

"I'm not, I just, I don't want to hold you back." I looked down at my food.

"Maia, I've been trying to find some form of stability for a while, and I can see you being that for me. I would love to have it while traveling. I would love to have someone to share those experiences with." I peeked my eyes up as he finished talking and I bit my lip.

"You have to make me a promise." I said softly.

"What Maia? I'll promise you anything to get you to say yes." He said searching my eyes.

"The moment you are unhappy, you'll let me know. You won't wait to see if it gets better. You won't wait to see if the feeling changes. You will let me know the moment it happens." I said softly, but sternly, because I meant every word of it.

"I don't see it happening. But I promise Maia, I promise the moment I start to feel different I will tell you. But not so that we end, so that we can fix it together. So we can work at it together." I couldn't help the small blush that appeared at the sound of his words.

"Okay. I like that promise, I like your approach to it."

"Maia Drew, when are you going to get it through your head. I'm crazier and crazier about you every day that passes." He stood up and leaned over the table, kissing me softly before placing his forehead on mine.

"I have a thick head."

"I've noticed." He whispered, smiling at me, "I'll crack it eventually."

I couldn't help but chuckle, leaning up and kissing him softly.

Just have faith Maia, have some freaking faith.

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