Chapter 17: Mine

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I walked into Harry's apartment early the next day. Not to my surprise he was still asleep. I made my way over to his room, and carefully climbed on top of him. I leaned my body forward and kissed him softly, "Harry baby, wake up my love."

"Mmm, what time is it?" He said, his voice full of sleep.

"Ummm, 8:30am." I giggled softly and he peeked one eye at me.

"Maia. Baby, it's my day off."

"But I have a day full of surprises planned. I had to name drop....a lot. I hate name dropping." I pouted softly.

He rubbed his eyes and stretched a bit, reaching up and pulling me against him. I kissed his neck softly and he whispered, "Day full of surprises?"

"Yes, a full day." I said pushing up a bit so I can look at him. I smiled big, kissing his chin.

"Mmm, okay, okay, I'm up." He groaned softly before flipping us over so he was on top. I burst out laughing as he kissed my face, "What time do we have to leave?"

"9." I smiled and he nodded.

"I just need 10 minutes." He teased playfully and I shook my head, rolling my eyes.

And once again, both of us clinging to each other, he proved he really did. I laid in bed, catching my breath as he finally got up to get ready.

We made our way toward the Empire State Building, hand in hand. He turned to me and kissed my forehead softly as we walked through the doors.

"So they just need one picture of you at the very top, and then the entire thing is ours for an hour." I smiled up at him.

"Doesn't sound bad at all. Thank you baby."

"I still haven't wrapped my head around the fact you haven't been here before." He turned to me and shrugged.

"I told you, crowds, never works."

"Well now we get no crowd. Just us two." I smiled, biting my lip softly and he chuckled.

"The only way I would have ever wanted to experience it."

We made our way to the top and got the minor PR things out of the way before we were left alone. I watched as he walked up to the edge, looking out at the city. I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist, kissing his back softly.

"Thank you for this Maia. I can't believe I'm going to be leaving all of this soon. Leaving you, well, if you tell me no to my offer. I love this city so much. Everything about it."

I moved around him, pushing his arm up and over me as I kept holding him, "Fifteen sold out shows, I think it loves you too Haz." I peeked up at him and he smiled down at me.

"And you? Do you love me?" He said, his voice so soft and sincere.

"I could. I'm on my way there." I said with a small blush on my face. He nodded and leaned down, kissing me softly.

"Me too." He whispered against my lips before kissing me again.

"Sorry to interrupt Miss Drew, but I have that food you ordered." I turned to face one of the workers and let go of Harry walking over.

"I told you, it's Maia, really, please. And thank you." I smiled taking the bag of food from them.

"You can move to the 102nd floor whenever you are ready, Maia." He smiled at me and I nodded looking at his name tag.

"Thank you Rob. We will probably eat up there." I smiled turning to Harry, "Come on Haz, let's go."

Harry turned to me, smiling and we made our way up. I clung onto his arm as the elevator moved up quickly, hiding my face in his shoulder.

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