Chapter 3: Getting Somewhere

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I N S T A G R A M@harrystyles

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I couldn't help the overwhelming happy feeling in my stomach seeing Harry posted my picture again. Sure, it was the last one in a carousel of ten photos, and he didn't tag me again, but it was something.

I felt a lot of pride when Lloyd shared my photos to his story and tagged me, an immense amount of people quickly following my account. As someone who shot so many concerts, this was big, and I couldn't help but feel excited at my account growing.

It was night three before a three day break and I couldn't help feel surprised when Harry showed up early again, sitting on the opposite side of the door as me, his AirPods popped back in his ears.

I didn't acknowledge him, and he didn't acknowledge me, for once, it felt alright. I learned, that he would give me very little and so I owed him only the same in return.

"I really liked the shots from last night. Both Lloyd's and yours." He said and I nodded, not looking up from my computer.

"Thanks. And, thanks for sharing my photo too." I said rolling my shoulders back softly.

"I added your tag. I got it off Lloyd's Instagram, I didn't know what it was before."

My eyes widened a bit, maybe I had judged him too quickly, his explanation made perfect sense, "Oh, I didn't notice that, uh, thanks."

I peeked over and to my surprise, he was looking at me, "No problem." He said quickly looking back at the wall.

I bit my lip and went back to my work, when I was done, I airdropped him the finished product before emailing the photos out to everyone else. I closed my laptop and began setting up my camera. I had found that the midsize lens was my favorite for shooting Harry, and I would have to thank Vance for gifting it to my for my birthday last year.

I peeked over at Harry again, before aiming the camera at him, and getting a quick shot. I looked at it then back up at him. He looked so peaceful in both. His head leaned back on the wall, his eyes fixed on the wall in front of him.

Peaceful and yet a little bit arrogant. Who knew they went hand in hand.

"You know, staring is rude," he said and my eyes widened as I quickly looked back down at my camera.

"Sorry. Bad habit." I said softly, taking in a long slow breath.

"A habit I'm weirdly used to." He answered back.

"Well, I mean, you are Harry Styles, comes with the territory." I peeked up at him and he shrugged.

"I guess so."

I bit my lip and tucked my hair behind my ear, "I guess, in that same sentiment though, doesn't make it right."

He peeked over at me and gave me a small nod, and before either of us could say anything, Kenzie appeared to unlock the rooms.

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