Chapter 14: One Way or Another

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Vance and I were in the kitchen making pasta and meatballs. It was my dads favorite and Vance and I always made everything from scratch. The pasta, the sauce and the meatballs.

"So your dad tells me you've been spending time with a certain British man?" He raised an eyebrow at me as I strained the pasta.

"Yes, I have. Umm, I guess, we are, I don't know," I chuckled a bit biting my lip, "Just seeing where things go."

I smiled bring the pasta over and adding it to the sauce with some pasta water.

"Isn't he leaving soonish?" Vance said adding the cooked meatballs to a small bowl.

"Yeah, but he's going to stay a bit after he's done at MSG, before he has to head out." I smiled small, feeling that overwhelming feeling of nervousness that happened every time I thought about Harry leaving.

"Well, l guess it'll give you both time to figure things out then. Or did you both just decide it's a little fling. Cause if I remember correctly, you don't do flings." Vance smiled and I hit my lip shrugging.

"I really don't know Vance. I'm just, living in the moment of it. I mean, it's Harry Styles, my 16 year old self would be praising me."

He laughed and nodded, moving things over to the dining table, "That's very true, careful Maia. I don't need you heartbroken. It's never fun."

"Well, I could end of heartbroken even if we had all the time in the world, right?" I said quoting Harry and Vance smiled small.

"I guess of that you're right. How's the pasta?"

"Just about done, wanna grab dad?"

He nodded, walking over and kissing the top of my head before going to get my dad. I pulled down bowls, feeling overwhelmingly sad as I served the pasta. I didn't want Harry to leave, or this to end, but long distance could never work. Not with all the places he would be traveling too.

I loved the plates over to the table, taking a seat as Vance and my dad came back into the kitchen. My dad kissed the top of my head and smiled at me as he sat down.

"Everything looks and smells great you two, thank you. Dessert is on me tonight, pick any place."

Vance and I looked at each other and both already knew the answer, "Magnolia." We said at the same time and my dad laughed as he served himself meatballs.

"I should have know. So very original." He teased and I rolled my eyes.

"Why mess with perfection dad?" I laughed and he nodded.


We got to Magnolia Bakery, and as always the line was the longest, but it was worth it. I had my arm linked with my dads leaning against his arm. We were laughing at a story Vance was telling us when he stopped mid-story, smiling weirdly at me.

I raised an eyebrow, standing straight, "What?"

He pointed behind us with his chin and when me dad and I both turned around, we saw Harry talking to a group of girls, who I could only assume were fans. He smiled and took pictures with them, and I couldn't help the smile that came on my face, my cheeks flushing at the sight of him.

"Well isn't that a coincidence." My dad said looking down at me.

"Dad, I swear, I haven't even talked to him today." As I did I looked back over and Harry and I locked eyes. His face instantly lit up and he smiled big at me walking over.

"Hello everyone, Vance, Mr. Drew. Maia." He smiled leaning over and kissing my cheek softly.

"Hi Haz." I smiled at him.

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