Chapter 9: Something

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I walked up to Harry's rental, a place that felt oh too familiar now. I knocked on the door a few times until he finally answered.

"You look lovely Maia." I smiled. I had chosen a cropped black long sleeve, and faded black mom jeans with some combat boots.

Harry looked attractive as always in a simple black shirt and black pants.

"Thank you, so do you." I smiled small as he held the door open for me.

"So I had planned on doing this elsewhere, but the location I had gotten fell through, I figured we would just do it here. Come on."

He surprised me when he took my hand in his and led me through the house to his kitchen. The small island in the middle had been cleared and three small electric stoves sat on top. A man in an all black chef suit stood behind one.

"This is Michele, he's going to teach us how to make some glazed salmon, with veggies and rice." He smiled at me and I turned to Michele waving at him.

"This is fun." I smiled at Harry.

We walked over behind our little stoves and began our lesson. Harry handled the salmon while I prepped the rice and veggies. Michele served us each a glass of white wine as we cooked, and Harry made a small toast to us. Everything smelled delicious, and I couldn't help but watch Harry as he cooked, paying more attention to him than to Michele. I felt so captivated by him. Somehow in a matter of two days, he had made me go from having a strong dislike to a strong...well like.

When we finished cooking, Michele taught us how to properly plate everything. He excused himself once we finished, leaving us with the bottle of wine. I peeked over at Harry and smiled, "Pretty soon we could run our own restaurant."

He chuckled, "You think?"

I nodded, "We would only have one menu option, but it's a start." I shrugged and both of us laughed.

"So, I have a movie waiting for us in the living room if you want to eat there?" He smiled small and I nodded. We each grabbed our plate and glass, Harry managing to bring the bottle as well, and made our way to the living room.

He had pulled me towards the kitchen so quickly, I didn't notice how he had the living room set up. He had placed blankets and pillows on the floor along the couch, the coffee table perfectly placed so we could sit and eat.

"Harry, this is cute. What movie are we watching?" I smiled as we sat down, adjusting myself so I felt comfortable.

"Mmm, one with a talented Kiera Knightly playing a brilliant Elizabeth Bennet." He smile at me as he sat down and I couldn't help but shake my head a bit.

"You really going to endure Pride and Prejudice for me?"

"I actually like it. And even if I didn't, I'd give it another shot for you." He smiled and I bit my lip nodding, the blush I knew creeping onto my cheeks.

He reached for a small remote and pressed play on the movie, and we began eating.

"Oh my gosh, this is the best salmon I've ever had." I said, my eyes wide.

"Thank you, I appreciate the rave review of my work." He chuckled and I rolled my eyes.

"The best part of the plate is the sides though, best baby carrots." I teased as he bit into one, scrunching his nose at me and shaking his head no.

"Meh, just a basic carrot." My jaw dropped and he chuckled shaking his head, "It's delicious Maia Drew."

We got stuck in another moment of smiling at each other stupidly before I looked down at my food shaking my head.

We continued eating, making small talk about the movie, and when we were done, we both leaned back against the pillows and watched the movie. He laughed as I quoted basically the entire movie. And often I felt his gaze on me rather than on the tv.

"I love you, most ardently." I whispered to myself as Darcy confessed his love to Elizabeth for the first time, quickly wiping my tears. I turned to Harry, who was smiling at me, "What?"

His face softened and he shook his head, "Nothing."

I bit my lip turning back to the tv, and eventually he moved his gaze from me as well. When the movie finally came to an end, I adjusted myself to turn and face him.

"Thanks for tonight Harry." I smiled.

"I know I was supposed to plan a night out, but with the paparazzi always getting called, I just didn't want that kind of a night."

"This was better than a night out. Really, I enjoyed myself." I smiled, tucking my hair behind my ear.

"Well I'm glad. I'm also glad you told me off in that elevator. Snapped me out of whatever weird asshole mentality I was in." He said and I chuckled.

"Well, you deserved it, in that moment anyway." I smirked playfully and he laughed.

"You're something, Maia Drew."

"Hopefully a good something." I bit my lip.

"Yeah, a wonderful something." He smiled and I couldn't help but look away.

I felt as he reached over and lifted my face by the chin, to look at him, "Maia, would it be too much to ask you to spend every free moment with me?"

I felt the blush, and I didn't care, "Sounds like you're rather needy."

He chuckled, "Is that a bad thing?"

I shrugged, "Mmm, sometimes, but for you, I guess I don't mind."

"So that's a yes, then? Every free moment?"

I smiled big, "Yeah. It's a yes."

I helped Harry clean everything up, refusing to let him wait until his staff handled it the next day. He slipped away for a moment, coming back with a robe on causing me to laugh.

"Is this your cleaning get up?"

"No, I just got cold. Needed some comfort since you're making me do chores this late."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes, I took a step back and took a quick photo of him. I smiled down at it and he walked over to me peeking down at my phone, "It's for my personal collection, to sell on eBay later."

I peeked up at him teasing and he narrowed his eyes at me, "Just make sure to send me an even cut of the earnings."

I scrunched my nose and shook my head at him, holding my phone to my chest, "Nah, I'm okay."

He chuckled and reached up to tuck my hair behind my ear, "Maia, Maia, what are you doing to me?"

"I'm not doing anything."

"No, you're doing something. I just don't know what." He smiled and surprised me by leaning down and kissing my forehead softly.

I felt my eyes close against his kiss, and I couldn't help the smile that spread on my face. I peeked my eyes up at him as he pulled away and I bit my lip as I smiled.

"Well hopefully we figure it out soon. We have limited time." I said softly and he nodded.

"We will, we will."


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