Chapter 21: I Get It

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Harry's POV

I woke up early the next day wanting to make today special for Maia. I wanted to spend all day at home with just her, starting with her favorite breakfast.

I quickly made my way over to Maman's having placed an order for pick up. Two of their breakfast sandwiches, and regular coffee for me and a honey lavender latte for her.

Once I had our our food I quickly my way back to my brick stone. As I made my way inside, Maia came out of the hallway rubbing her eyes and yawning.

"Mmm, I was wondering where you went." She smiled softly and I couldn't help the butterflies she gave me.

"I bring your favorite." I smiled holding up the bags and she smiled the moment she recognized the pattern on the cups.

"Extra bacon jam?" She raised and eyebrow and I laughed.

"Who do you think I am? Of course." I smiled and she giggled. We both got to the table at the same time and she slipped her arms around me. I held her and kissed her head softly.

"I want to just stay home all day with you. Is that okay?" I said and she peeked up nodding.

"That sounds magical." She smiled and I kissed her nose nodding.

We sat down and began eating our breakfast. She began telling me all the places she wanted to visit in Los Angeles when we got there. She joked about going to Beachwood and I rolled my eyes playfully at her.

She began talking about Mexico, and the food she wanted to try. She kept trying to make sure I told her places I wanted to visit too.

"I want you to find places and we will try them together. I love all the little street vendors for food. That's my favorite about going to these places." I said, finishing off my sandwich.

"Oh my gosh, real sushi, in Japan. I'm going to indulge in that for sure." She smiled brightly.

"I was thinking, besides LA, because that's easy for her, I think you should pick a place to have Megan come visit us. Somewhere we will be at for a bit. So maybe Mexico or Brazil."

"Wait, really?" She said, her eyes wide.

"Yup, I'll take care of everything. We will ask her, I'm sure she won't refuse." I laughed and she did too nodding.

"She'll be on the flight before it's even booked!" She exclaimed.

I chuckled and nodded, "Poor flight attendants."

Later that day, we were in the bedroom, I laid on my stomach as she straddled me, massaging my back.

"Final show tomorrow, baby." She said, leaning down and kissing my back.

"I know, it's crazy how fast everything went. And I just know LA is going to be crazier."

"I can't wait for Latin America, Brazil, Peru, oh my gosh baby. That's going to be crazy."

He laughed and nodded, "Those go by quick, and the fans are just insane. I mean insane everywhere, but—No I get it, I've seen how they are for other artists, it's going to be a blast."

She smiled as I turned my head and peeked up at her. She removed herself from my back and laid down next to me, kissing my cheek.

I ran my fingers through her hair and kissed her softly, "I'm so happy I met you, Maia. I'm so happy you're mine."

She smiled small and kissed me again, "Me too Harry. I can't wait for this adventure, with you."

I smiled and pulled her towards me, kissing her deeply. She wrapped herself around me and I kissed down her neck softly. I placed soft kissed along her collarbone, then brought my lips back up to hers.

I kissed her deeper and smiled against it, feeling her hand between us, palming against me. She bit my lower lip softly and the sweetest quiet laugh escaped her.

I reached down and removed her shirt and she began unbuttoning my pants and slipping her hand in my briefs. She moved her hand along my length as I bit her shoulder softly, kissing it as I removed each of her bra straps, unhooking it after.

My lips moved over her breast, along her nipples, placing kisses, bites and licks everywhere. I moaned against them as her movements increased in pace.

I reached down and pulled her hand away, laying her on the bed and kissing down her body. In one swift motion I pulled down her leggings and underwear, throwing them to the side and kissing up her legs. My tongue lapped over her opening, taking her in, moving circles over her sensitive spot. I slipped a finger in, then another, then another, my tongue never stopping its moment.

She arched her back slightly, moans escaping her lips causing me to move quicker, my fingers curling inside her.

"Get a condom Maia." I said, moving my tongue back on her, playfully holding her down as she tried to reach for one.

"Harry." She whined in the sexiest voice, chills filling my body.

I chuckled against her and let her move to grab it. She playfully threw it at me and I opened it, slipping it on. I hovered over her, pushing myself inside her softly. We both moaned at the sensation, and my lips quickly found hers.

I placed kisses on her face as I moved slowly in and out of her, I placed small whispers after each kiss, "You're wonderful Maia. My Maia."

She smiled through her moans, her hands getting lost and tangled in my hair. She moved her hips against mine, kissing me teasingly, a smirk on her face.

"I don't want it to end baby, I don't want to come. I just want to stay like this." She whispered and I nodded. I kissed her nose and her lips, and we stayed this way. Moving slowly against each other. Kissing each other. Whispering sweet things and giggling playfully.

We came together eventually, our bodies not able to handle anymore. I held her as she nuzzled her face in my neck, my fingers running up and down her back.

"I finally get it Maia."

"What do you get Harry?"

"Chroma." I smiled down at her, "The color in my world, it's a whole different shade of bright."

She smiled up at my, her cheeks the brightest red, "Good. I want to stay as far away from the grey and white as possible."

We smiled at each other, and I leaned up kissing her deeply.

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