Chapter 19: Falling in Love

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Harry's POV

Maia had spent the past two nights with me and as of this morning had decided to spend the rest of the days leading up to my final show. We made our way over to her dad's loft to gather some more of her things to bring over to mine.

"You sure he won't be home?" I asked, feeling nervous to face him. I knew I wasn't his favorite person in the slightest right now, but I was trying to stand at Maia's side without questioning any of her motives.

"Vance sent me his schedule yesterday, we are fine. And even if he's there, we will just go straight to my room and out." She said confidently squeezing my hand and I took a deep breath nodding.

When we finally got up to their loft I was relieved to find that he wasn't there. Letting out whatever breath I had been holding for too long now.

We made our way to her room and she pulled out a bag, that I helped her load as she handed me more things.

"Umm, I think that should be everything for now. I'll have to figure out how I'm going to come pack everything up before I leave to LA. Vance said he would help me figure it out" she smiled up at me and as excited as I was to have her on the road with me, I still felt uneasy.

"What Harry? You're looking at me like I murdered someone." She chuckled a bit and I joined in shaking my head. I ran my fingers through my hair and looked at her.

"I just want us to go about this the right way." I swallowed and she bit her lip looking down at her bag.

"For now, this is the right way Haz," she shrugged, "I can't be stuck here forever. You helped me realize that. And it's a good thing. Not a bad one, I promise."

I took a deep breath and nodded, helping her close up her bag. I swung it over my shoulder and we made our way out of her room and out of the loft.

When we were back in my house, I cleared out a drawer for her to place her stuff in, and took down some things in my closet to offer her space to hang things as well.

She came and wrapped her arms around me, kissing my back softly, "See, we can do this"

I chuckled and brought one of her hands up to my lips, "Of that I'm sure. You make everything easy Maia."

She smiled, and let go of me, taking the hangers so she could hang up her things, "So, will you come back to New York before Chicago?"

"I'm going to try love. It shouldn't be a problem though. I'll help you pack up and move whatever. I already extended the lease here, so it's yours until LA." I smiled at her, as I folded my clothes and threw them in my suitcase before closing it up and putting it away again.

"Thank you for that Haz, you really didn't have too."

"I wanted too, that's the difference. So I have a meeting tonight, then dinner and drinks with Jeff and some of the other management people. I'll be home late, why don't you invite Megan over? Have a girls night." I wiggled my eyebrows at her and she giggled.

"I think I'll do that. I still haven't told her I'm leaving, so, this would probably be a good time." She said finishing up putting her clothes away. She kept her toiletries in a cute little basket with her make up bag looking around for where to put it.

I walked over and took it from her, making space on the dresser and placing it on the side across from where she was sleeping.

"I feel like I'm taking over your space." She giggled softly.

"I want you to take over my life, so a dresser and a closet is a good start." I smiled and she shook her head.

"You're crazy,Harold."

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