Chapter 6: Charades & Fun

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It was the next day midday, and my dad had given us all the day off. I made my way to Sweet Pickles Books, my tote close to my side. I was wearing my favorite oversized white sweater and baseball cap. Pickle Books was my favorite book store in the city, and I came here more than I probably should, buying a collection of books I was still trying to work through. I ran my fingers across the spines of the books, peeking over at the discount tables. As I glanced over them I found a book I wanted since last time, and as I walked over and reached for it, another hand did as well.

"Oh, sorry, you can have it." The voice said and when I looked up, Harry was looking directly at me, a heavy tote at his side, "Oh, maybe you can't have it." He smirked.

There was no way he was actually here right now. Out of every bookstore possible, why this one?

I rolled my eyes, turning away from him and before I could step away he grabbed my arm, "Maia, I'm sorry. I'm kidding."

I turned and looked at him, shaking my head, "I don't even want the book anymore. It's fine."

I shook my arm free and walked back over to the bookcase, excessively biting my lip as I tried to find a book to buy.

"I'm never getting that Maia exclusive tour am I?" He said, moving to stand next to me, glancing over the books as well. I peeked over at him, then back at the books.

"Mmm, not at this rate." I reached for a book, pulling it out and looking it over.

"What if, you let me buy you a bite to eat for lunch? Will that earn me some points?" I turned to look at him, my eyes narrowing a bit.

"You give me major whiplash. You know that?" I said, and he laughed. He shrugged and I shook my head.

"So, what do you say, lunch? I know a good place around the block."

I took a deep breath. This was what I wanted, after all, him, being nice. I just hoped I wasn't letting him get away with his actions too easily, "Are you actually going to have a conversation with me, or are you going to pop your AirPods in?"

A smiled spread across his face, and he licked his bottom lip, "I'll let you confiscate the AirPods during the meal."

"Okay. Fine." I pressed my lips into a small smile hoping I didn't regret this.

We sat at a small make your own bowl restaurant, and I pushed around the rice in mine, feeling weirdly nervous. I took a bite of my chicken and raised my eyebrows, the taste was amazing.

"Wow, that's really good." I said covering my mouth as I chewed.

"I love grabbing a book and then coming here and reading it after. I get left alone for the most part." He smiled at me before taking a bite of his, "Mm, that reminds me."

He turned to his tote and pulled out the book from earlier, handing it to me, "I don't really need it. I just felt like being an ass."

I took it from him, shaking my head, "Thanks. So can I ask something?"

He nodded, "Sure."

"Why do you hate me?" I said nonchalantly, causing him to smirk.

"I don't hate you."

"Mmm, I don't know about that one. You've been....well an ass, since the moment we met."

He pinched his lip between his fingers, and peeked up at me, "It's not an excuse, I just, have been having really off days since the week before the tour started. So when you bumped into me, you were automatically on my list. And when you turned out to be, well you, I didn't know how to recover from it."

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