if you need me, ill be right there.

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Sleep procrastination was something Wednesday had become well acquainted with, as of late. And as a result, her sleep schedule has been dubiously fucked.
Especially on the weekends, when she isn't dragged kicking and screaming out of bed on the off chance she does fall asleep. When there's no impending classes, she goes to bed at 6 am and wakes at 4 pm.

She digs her nail above her eyebrows, dragging it across the bone until some sort of relief is given. She idly feels the throb through her fingertip and grimaces.

Pain was usually enjoyable. But this? This made her brain feel swollen and she couldn't even write because of it.

Wednesday felt like she might just cut open her femoral artery at this point, in search of a secondary pain she could focus on that would draw her attention from the
throbbing she couldn't soothe no matter the water she drank or light she covered with her hands to her eyes. It felt like Enid had brandished her claws and subdued them into the sides of her temples which, by all matters, would be far more pleasant than this. Maybe it'd be like bur holes releasing the pressure.

She sighs, flipping onto her back and staring up at the ceiling. It was a very boring sight, but there wasn't much else to do. She couldn't work like this, and she was hell-bent on not assimilating to modern use of technology whenever it could be avoided.

She heard something across the room, like a wounded animal. Starting, she sits up in her coffin form and squints against the darkness. Enid is whining, the sound of ripping fabric filling the emptiness.


This was certainly a secondary pain, but one far more unbearable than her current predicament.

Wednesday quickly slips from her bed, padding over to the blonde who's starting to thrash in the tangle of sheet and comforter, her face scrunched and sweat slicking her hair to her skin.

Wednesday frowns, kneeling down beside her. Nightmares. Pubert had those quite often- would wake up to him screaming and crying as Morticia tried to soothe him.

She reached out, hand strong but gentle on the blonde's shoulder. "Enid." Murmurs. "Enid, wake up."

In a flash, she's pinned beneath the werewolf whose eyes are ominously yellow in the pitch black, fangs glinting beneath the ochre glow. Wednesday looks up with slightly wide eyes, blinking. "Good morning to you as well."

Enid breathes, sighs, relaxes. "Don't you know not to wake a sleeping werewolf? I could've killed you."

Wednesday shrugs awkwardly, pinned beneath the blonde. She could move if she truly wanted to- Enid wasn't 120 soaking wet. But she relented, pinned between two toned arms.

"Death does not frighten me, in case you are unaware."

Enid snorts, rolling over to lay on her side. She keeps one hand across Wednesday's chest, who worries her heart will beat hard enough to leap into the hand of the woman she belongs to.

She flushed in the dark, thankful glowing yellow has faded back to blue.

"But you were frightened. Nightmare?" Wednesday says, clasping her hands in her lap. She's tangled in the sheets now, too, due to the unsuspecting straddling accident.

God, she could feel all the blood rise to her face.

Enid sighs, tapping a rhythmic beat on Wednesday's chest. "Yes. Unfortunately."

"What about?"

"What? Want to mock me some? Find out what scares me?" Her voice is light, but Wednesday winces at the barb all the same.

"No. I want to know what bothers you so I can chase the monsters away." Blinking at the ceiling. "I am the only one who is allowed to scare you."

Wednesday can hear the smile in Enid's voice, and suddenly she can see stars on the ceiling dancing around the sun laying beside her. "I get nightmares usually around a full moon. This one..." a beat. "You were dead and I... I found you but it was me who killed you and it was a jumbled mess."

Her voice hitches, and Wednesday can feel her heart break at the sound. Slowly, she left an arm stiff by her side to cover Enid's hand with her own. Eyes still stuck to the constellations driven by strawberry body wash.

"I'm right here. You can feel my heart. I'm safe. You're safe. I won't let anything happen to you."

Tentatively, she feels shuffling. A head resting on her shoulder softly. She swallows thickly, eyes shutting on their own accord.

"I'm sorry I woke you."

"You didn't. I haven't slept today."

Enid raises her head, blocking Wednesday's face. Eyelashes flutter open to regard the confusion in baby blue seas. "What? That's not healthy, Willa."

"No. But I can't sleep. My mind won't let me."

Enid's eyes soften, darting down and back up quicker than Wednesday's sleep-addled brain can follow. "Mind if I put on some music?"

Wednesday wants to groan, scream and cry because Enid's music is the most painful thing on earth. But she's too mentally exhausted. "Sure."

Enid smiles softly, eyes lingering lower again. Wednesday doesn't know what she's looking at, but likes the little twinkle in warm eyes.

Enid moves, and Wednesday feels the absence like stepping out into the rain.

A Cigarettes After Sex song plays- the only artist of Enid's Wednesday is able to stand- and she feels herself calm. It was near haunting, and it soothes away the frown etched permanently in a pale forehead.

Enid relaxes back onto the bed, head laying on Wednesday's shoulder again. Their hands are still stacked, warm fingers threading through cooler ones.

"Can I sleep in your coffin tonight? Mines cold." Wednesday finds herself asking, eyes following the web of light weaving above her. A hand squeezes in acknowledgment.

"Come out and haunt me, I know you want me." Enid softly sings at the song tapers on down, drawing mindless shapes onto Wednesday's hand. She vaguely feels the letter O being circled.

"When you're all alone, I'll reach for you. When you're feelin' low, I'll be there too." Wednesday says in turn, closing her other fist around the pink coverlet. Her heart skips a beat and doubles in pace every few minutes, exhaustion creeping like a wave of blue and blonde over her.

"Thank you, for protecting me from the bad dreams." Enid says, voice soft and silky. Wednesday turns her head, dark eyes meeting sleepy blue.

"Thank you for saving me."

Enid raises an eyebrow in question. "From what?"

Wednesday swallows. Her mind hasn't felt so calm in her entire life. "Myself."

Young and in Love - WenclairWhere stories live. Discover now