Video Games

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"I quit!"

Yoko, the self-appointed group dungeon master looked up, dumbfounded, at Enid's flaming red face and ochre eyes that flicker dangerously. She knocked over the little character pieces and a few of the surrounding atmospheric characiatures that Xavier- glaring atop Ajax's lap- had painstakingly painted with minutiae in her brutish haste.

Of course, all the pieces went unharmed, but it went without saying; don't fuck with Xavier Thorpe and his masterpieces. Enid never had truly given a fuck for that unspoken rule- but she was currently glaring daggers at where the little blue painted Druid was laying flat on its back with its claws bared- like her own set- permanently sculpted on its tiny hands in hopes it'd burst into hot flames and swallow everyone in the room into its misery.

Or, at least, join her in a furry rampage like the characters living within her new Sims 4 Werewolves pack.

"Uh, Ends, what's going on?" Bianca questioned, sliding her wizard cap off- because even if she was refined in all she did, she still got pretty into her role as group magician. "Are you okay?"

"No!" Is her huffy reply, a tendril of blonde that escaped her braids fluttering around her. She scrunches her nose as the dye-fried ends scratch at her face. "I hate this shit."

Everyone looked around in a silence unknown to the usually boisterous group- one that would get noise complaints every single place they went. Yoko hated it like the stomach-turning ketchup chips Ajax had put on the middle of the table.

"Okay!" She claps her hands, laughing when those with super hearing flinch. "Enid hates it! So, Enid, my beautiful golden retriever best friend- why is that?"

Several sets of curious eyes settle on her.

So what if she spent enough time around said puppy-dog in human form to know how to therap-ize the group of weirdos? Someone had to do it. Especially, when it came to the livelihood of the game she'd poured hours into storytelling for.

Enid blinked, shaking herself from her heated stupor.. "Because it sucks, dingus."

She nods along, humming as she absentmindedly stroked a non-existent beard like the secrets of the universe were unfolding before her.
"Interesting, interesting indeed..." She mutters, leaning back in her chair, continuing the wise-man ministrations and fiddling with the page she'd been halfway through reading.

Enid's lips cracked for a brief moment before settling back into a hard line. Yoko's shoulders slumped as her grand plan crumbles just like that. Clearly, her usual kind and fun loving-personality was clearly not going to work this time around.

Divina was out of town visiting her family, and in her stead Yoko decided to be the surrogate mom for the group, even so graciously offering up her dorm to use, which was rapidly warming from too many hormonal bodies in one space but hey, there was luke-warm diet root beer and chips.

(Offering up the dorm and taking charge of the activities for the week her girlfriend was gone was by complete bullying. Forceful teeth-pulling and torture. Totally not from her own free-will that led to two nights of excited babble and planning. Let the record show.)

Bianca had her concentration face on, gears undoubtedly spinning a mile a minute trying to find clues for the outburst, while Xavier had his face in the crook of his boyfriends slim neck about to pass out from a sated appetite and low social battery.

Ajax- oh, sweet Ajax, could only look on in fear.

Wednesday- genuinely forced tooth and nail to attend the hang out by Divina under circumstances unknown- had sat in the corner for the last hour of the campaign, watching the interaction tersely as if the other-worldly knowledge that escaped Yoko would somehow be bestowed upon her.

Clearly, begrudgingly, it had,. "Enid?", she calls unfolding herself from where she'd been bundled on a chair, calmly approaching the seething werewolf without even a twitch at the sprouting of pinned ears and a dusting of whiskers.

Enid seemed to calm an iota by the surly presence, her shoulders relaxing and nails sheathing back to their sparkly blue, and looked up silently at the raven. Wednesday, with a handset glare and a sneer on her lips, asks;
"Do you not enjoy being blue?"

The Outcasts, with their one working braincell, all wanted to laugh at how weird Wednesday could be. Because only Wednesday would go from talking about the cretaceous era in painstaking detail to the best brand of tea, and only Wednesday would ask the infuriated werewolf if the colour of her green army-man turned blue hybrid bothered her.

She looked as though she might crush the tiny character under the heel of her boot to satiate Enid. Maybe, even crush all Xavier held important, too. For her own pleasure, but mainly for her roommates honour.

Enid quirked a brow, but said nothing. The corner of her lips quirked up into an affectionate smile at the diminutive human who's affronted emotion seemed too large for her body.

"Yeah, Wends, I hate being blue."

Wednesday made a choked noise in the back of her throat, something torn between a gasp and a sigh- as if the world had just fallen into disarray. It was within a blink of an eye (the collective group- because they, as mentioned, functioned as one) that Enid was suddenly on her back with an audible thud, Wednesday's knees positioned on either side of Enid's, straddling her thighs, the blonde paling beneath tan hands that cupped her freckled cheeks, obsidian eyes twirling around cobalt until a storm fused between them. Crackling and heavy.

Adorably, like a purposeful statement of self-acceptance, the caricature went unharmed.

"Don't ever say that. I am contemptuous of colour, but on you it's right. I find myself drowning in flaxen gold and nauseating pink- but I try and inhale more of it. Until my ribs are tight and sticky with the mix of my darkness and your light. And your eyes rival that of oil paint on a vintage canvas."
Enid grimaced at the assaulting memory of the over-stimulating art classroom, but her frown was smoothed out by the pads of two thumbs, with such a reverence she's hyper aware of the blush creeping up her neck and spilling onto her cheeks.
"You are so perfect. Please never doubt that. If you were not blue I would be broken for it."

The group slowly shuffled around, wide awake and sobering from clammy dorm.

Xavier wide eyed staring at Ajax, Ajax looking back giggly at Xavier, Yoko looking like Christmas came early at Bianca, and Bianca just watched with rapt attention toward the two hopeless gays with a fond glint in her eyes.

Because the gears stopped turning, and Xavier was humming Video Games and seemingly uncaring that one of his 3 hour crafts was now detached from its arm.

(Because Enid's stayed untouched. His own Orc did not share such a fate.)

Because somehow Divina fucking Cristian
knew forcing Wednesday by the scruff of her neck into a game of D&D would spell disaster; one only she herself could clean up.

Because then, finally, her girlfriend wouldn't have to watch as Enid stared wistfully at the back of Wednesday's head during class, and then she wouldn't have to watch Wednesday nearly break her neck looking around for Enid in the hallways every damn minute between classes.

The grip around Ajax's waist tightened, the boy looking down at his boyfriend's sleepy but inquisitive gaze and hushed "what the fuck is happening?"

Ajax smiled, looking back over at Enid who was now murmuring something about blueberries and black currants, while Wednesday just nodded along intently as if she had a test on it in the morning.

"Well," Yoko cleared her throat- garnering the attention of all aside the pair of gushy-dorks on the other side of the table, "Anyone wanna break into the pool?"

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