Beautiful and Brutal

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another prompt >:)


It is traditional, it is inherited, and it is most certainly predispositioned. The Addams generational long curse. To fall in love, and love with the ferocity and intensity of armies storming beaches for one soul upon a throne, or uprooting starts to give them to your beloved on a platter of bones made up of the skeletal of their enemies.

She knew this day was coming for her little nightmare. 3 am was the witching hour, and as Morticia sleeps away the days rising sun, she sees flashes of blonde, entangled with black. In her daughters realm of shadows and morbidity, there is a tiny little ray of sunshine breaking through. Her little werewolf.

Her eyes snap open, gasping. Gomez is quick to roll onto his side, grappling at his wife. "What has frightened you so, Cara Mia?"

She lolls her head to look at her husband, reaching up to run the back of her hand across his cheek. He cuddles into the touch, pressing feverish kisses to her skin. "Oh, my darling. She has found her true love."

For as much as she loves her child, for all her cruelty and self-sabotaging- so much so she would tear the skin from her own flesh, she will be damned if she sits idle whilst Wednesday's irate and brash personality gets in the way of her own fate. Even if the Addams family has to take fate into their own hands.


Wednesday hadn't invited Enid home while the institution was closed. Not so much in words, more she had asked Enid to meet Lurch, and shoved her into the car that had locked behind her.

"What- I have to go home, Wends! You cant kidnap me!"

Wednesday adjusts her backpack, setting it down on the floor and huffing. "I can and did. I sent word to my parents to arrange a room for you."

Enid scoffs, stopping trying to open the door that seemed to have a handle painted on rather than as an actual part of the car. Turns to face the goth. "When did you do that?!"

Wednesday looks to Thing, who's settled on the headrest of the seat in front of her thrumming excitedly. Furrows a brow. "Why are you so energized?"

Thing scampers off, to settle on Lurch's dashboard. She can faintly see a smile on Lurch's face, which is unsettling to say the least. She inclines her head to the window, looking out at the deserted roads that are peeling farther away from the Addams' manor.

"Lurch. Where are we."

The man, predictably, says nothing. Pulling off to the side of the road and pulling the key out of the ignition.

Enid leans forward. "Uh- unless your family home is invisible-"

"It's not."

"-then where the hell are we?!"

Lurch turns his head toward Thing. Nods. In a split second, they both abandon the car and it locks behind them.

Wednesday blinks, eyebrows furrowing. Twists around to look out the back window

"Well don't I feel like a hot commodity." Enid snorts, settling back. Wednesday turns to look at her with narrowed eyes.

"You find this amusing? That we are locked inside of a car on the edge of a road together?"

Enid tosses her hands up, groaning in frustration. "God! Why are you so- you're so negative, all the time!"

Wednesday crosses her legs. "I'm militant with my emotional vocabulary."

"Are you serious? You're so pigheaded it's astounding!"

When they began to argue, couldn't be exactly pinpointed. They had been fine, after the fallout of the Hyde and Crackstone situation. More than fine- they'd been closer than ever. But Wednesday started shutting her out harder than she ever had. Wouldn't speak a kind word, or let her near her. So why she had bothered shoving her into the car in the first place was a frustration beyond man.

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