like you best when youre just with me and no one else

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Enid had gotten drunk. Very, very drunk. Of White Claws.

It was her first time drinking- a dorm party that Wednesday hadn't wanted to attend, so she went with Yoko. Yoko- the more grievous of the group when it came to partying, hadn't batted an eye when Enid started drinking. Offered her the first can. But, when 24 cans were strewn about and Enid was hopped up on a table trying to take her shirt off- Yoko had throw her over her shoulder and used vampire speed to get to the dorms. Wednesday, who'd been in the throes of a very good writing sprint, was displeased at the interruption. Of course, until a babbling, giggling and wobbly Enid was placed in front of her.

"Hi roomie! Ooo, you smell like chocolate." Enid slurred, stumbling into Wednesday who, instinctively, wrapped an arm around the blonde to stabilize her. She stiffened when Enid took a deep sniff in the crook of her neck.

Yoko offered an apology, one returned with a door slammed in her face as Wednesday awkwardly shuffles the blonde to the bed. Enid trips on her own feet, falling to the floor.

Wednesday fears tears, more than anything. But Enid slips over, laughing until the tears in her eyes are from hysteria rather than pain.

Wednesday blinks down at her. She's never dealt with someone drunk like this. Her mother got drunk and simply acted the same as usual. In love with her father. But this? This was new. Unfamiliar. She looks to Thing, who shrugs with a pinky and thumb before scampering out of the window and leaving them to their own devices.

She briefly considers killing him. But her attention is drawn down to Enid, who fumbles trying to climb up the end of Wednesday's bed.

Usually; her space was sacred. No one touched it- even in her home, the maid did not enter. She fixed and cleaned what was needed. But she couldn't deny, the sight of the squirrelly werewolf trying with all her might to lift herself onto the bed was an adorable sight.

Adorable. What an odd word. It didn't tend to exist in her repertoire of words, but these things came naturally when her room mate was involved. Over time, she'd adapted to the change. To feeling her heart pick up and stop at her voice, or presence that was a little too close for her to be able to breathe properly.

She'd spent many a night reading up on these new words. Cute, adorable, sweet, adoration... love.

She knew what they meant. At least, when it came to the girl halfway up on the bed, now. They existed, seemingly, only for her. Revolved around her. Were just synonyms for the name Enid.

Enid finally sits, breathing heavily. Wednesday shakes her head to snap herself into reality, blinking at the girl. No amount of research would aid her dealing with a girl who was already a handful sober.

"So. You're drunk." Obvious was a good route. Perhaps Enid could help her out with suggestions as to what to do. Perhaps she would say she is tired, or thirsty. Easy enough

"So, you're gorgeous."

Enid would not be helping, beyond the blush that spread from head to toe. Wednesday puffed her cheeks out, letting the air out through her teeth. "Okay. I don't really know what to do with you, if I am honest."

Enid reaches out, waving randomly. Wednesday quirks a brow, watching it intently as if perhaps, a drunken girl motioning around aimlessly could be the answer to all of her questions.

"You are so pretty. I wish you'd kiss me already."

Wednesday swallows, the muscle in her neck flexing. This was a mess- but it wasn't the vomit or tears or inability to move. No. Enid watched her with curious, glossy eyes. So warm, and endearing, and all for her.

Young and in Love - WenclairWhere stories live. Discover now