Keep You Safe

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The bible never specified how long a day was. It could've been billions of years, just to get to Wednesday.

Or, it could have been a single second.

To get to the middle of the week was a suffering thing that even to the girl that adored suffering, did not offer catharsis. But to get to Wednesday herself- you'd be asinine to try. Because nothing really did get to her, aside from mild pestering that bubbled and broiled under her skin before mellowing once again.

Like dripping rain water onto a hot rock. It would simmer, then evaporate completely.

To cause whatever Wednesday currently was feeling, was an unparalleled event.

As the Earth's crust began to expand and erode, heat and pressure pushed the solid minerals up to the Earth's surface which formed colossal rock beds. That's part of how the earth formed to get to Wednesday. It's what was built in the exterior of the girl like a protective shield.

Virtually impenetrable. But the thing about virtually; was that it wasn't a guaranteed. If something aggravated Wednesday enough- in a way that no one ever had been able to, it would cause a reaction she couldn't recover from.

At least a foot of molten heat would have to be wading the surface of her shields to erode them. To seep deep into her marrow that seared hot and dry in her skeleton.

Yet somehow, in some universal fuck-you, the bubbly blonde with colourful sweatshirts was the reactor to generate a fucking explosion.

She hadn't seen Enid.



The last she'd seen her, Enid was in the tumultuous spiral that led to half of the room being picked over and causing Wednesday's left eye to twitch. There had been a disturbance to her own innocuous side, where a pale green shirt had nudged its way across the barrier.

She opened her mouth to snap- but something vile occurred leading to Wednesday holding her tongue hostage between sharp teeth.

Something incredibly wrong was going on- it must be. Perhaps the molten core of the earth was cracking open and about to swallow earth's inhabitants whole and this was its forewarning.

Enid's eyes were wide and her cheeks were pink with agitation. Her casual apathy a sharp weapon in this war of silence marred by cloth hitting floor.

Because for no other reason, should insecurity have scuttled within her chest that she had vigilant defences to prevent, anxious about Enid's feelings.

It was enraging. Deplorable, to find herself caring for the blonde mutt's internal warring. And she wouldn't allow it. Even if it had waxed into her chest and set up camp- she could at least refrain from acting on it.

So, she hadn't asked what Enid was doing. She had sat at her desk, and starting typing  the second act of her book, doing her best to drown out the whimpering of a stressed werewolf and clattering of things that were probably have hers, with soothing thoughts of decapitation.

But she remembered the flash of ochre eyes- and oh, How gorgeous ochre they had been. Like a wild, deadly beast barely in control. One wrong move, and Wednesday would be left with a ripped open carotid on the dormitory floor.

And it was such a beautiful vision, that was abruptly ended when Enid dropped her chin to hide her face in the bundle of her sweater.

The way Enid had her arms wrapped around the wayward things she had grabbed reminded Wednesday of those old westerns where the bandits tried to steady the loads of money and jewels before their great escape. Enid, like a thief knowing the cops were coming, fled their dorm room without a word. As soon as her door shut, Wednesday went back to typing to avoid the overstimulation of things left a mess on the floor.

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