jealousy, jealousy

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Wednesday had just finished the last line of her novel, and something sideways and a little maniacal played on her lips as she returned the carriage with a delicacy she reserved only for her beloved typewriter, twisting the knob near the roller until the paper came out.

She took a deep breath, the first draft complete. It smelt like parchment and ink and so many restless nights. Her fingers had developed callouses on the tips, the skin of her inner lip by her teeth worried till nothing remained but scar tissue.

But it was finally done. And she could finally allow herself a moment to rest.

Not too long, however- she'd have to start on the fourth instalment soon enough.

It was broaching Winter break at Nevermore, and she was genuinely delighted to return home to her family. Pugsley would be home, too, from that god-forsaken school she once was forced tooth and nail to attend, which would be nice.

She found a semi-working iron maiden online that her parents had placed an order for, and would arrive just in time for Christmas.

How wondrous, that childhood dreams could come true later in life.

Pubert was almost of age where she could begin practicing the craft of old on him, which he must be sobbing in delight about.

Over the crystal ball, when she'd speak to her parents, they recounted how Pubert would try and escape from the house, increasing more and more, and far more elaborately, as Wednesday's return approached.

What a perfect Addams he was shaping up to be, if only his form when stabbing the targets in the the practice room was little more refined, but alas...

Still, despite her eagerness to return home, something was gnawing at her chest. Something painful and odd and didn't fill her with delight the way most discomfort did. No, this was something new and confusing.

It sort of felt like that time she'd accidentally stabbed herself when she was but a few months old- aiming for her uncle and missing terribly.

It... was uncomfortable and it felt like the odd lightheaded feeling you get right before fainting.

She grappled at her stomach, turning toward where Thing sat on her desk.

"Thing, why is it I feel so strange about leaving?"

He tapped an answer, insipidly so, her eyebrows raising and head falling to one side to regard his statement.

"I will miss Edin? But why would I miss her? She is a gnat."

He tapped again.

Her eyebrows furrowed.

"I wish to be rid of these feelings, then, at your insistence that I have them. I do not wish to long for companionship with someone as terribly insufferable as her. How do I get them to stop?"

Thing raised his pinky and thumb. A shrug. She sighed, falling to sit on her bed.

"Well this simply will not do." She looked to the other side of the room- plastered with bright colours and living plants and everything good that was an eye-sore. Wednesday grimaced. No, this would not be the one she wanted. She would not long for Edin. She would not want Edin.

She would simply disallow these feelings from growing any further.

She would not turn into the pathetic, horrid mess of her parents.

That sort of love was not for her, and she was perfectly content with that.

How she would make it through the day with these newfound feelings, she did not know. But she wouldn't react the impulsive way she usually did with Enid. No. She would be in control.

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