Peanut Butter Hugs & Grape Jelly Kisses

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Wrote this ficlet in a very bumpy car ride lmao


Enid finished firing off a text to Yoko, her finger pads leaving sticky residue against her phone screen that would be an absolute pain in the ass to clean off. She grimaces, when a glob of sweetness that was quickly becoming overbearingly earthy scented, as it drops from her forehead to her lap.

'Get over here ASAP and bring a tarp!!!' Read at 12:09pm


After everything that happened, Enid will never be able to look at peanut butter and jelly sandwiches the same way.

It all started when Ajax had the brilliant idea to become a human sandwich a few days ago. He was hopped up on caffeine during the exam season, and the tired group had just laughed and agreed absentmindedly because, really, who was stupid enough to do something so dumb.

Ajax. Apparently. Because come that following Saturday afternoon, in a spare classroom, he had squished his body between dozens of slices of bread that once could have housed either end of such delectable lunch staples.

He'd fired off a message to every one in his contacts- which was thankfully, not that many people. And even less showed up to watch the catastrophe in lieu of lazing about to start off the long weekend.

But Enid and Xavier had been his first responders- the latter manning the camera to film the dumb-assery in real time. Enid had just watched on, when he posed for a photo op between the bread like it was his throne.

Really, what the genuine fuck that had inspired him, Enid did not know. She just watched in horrors ever expanding as he shouted out orders like some kind of lieutenant for a few of the AV kids to soldier over two tubs of grape jelly and smooth peanut butter. They had used spatulas to empty the tubs onto either side of him, the smell quickly filling the room and causing Enid's canines to ache from the abundance of sugar. She already is mulling over her skincare routine to counteract the splattering mess of food that deflects onto her.

She could only side step to avoid the smattering of condiments pouring off the counter in heaps to the floor, when he had rolled himself like a corn-dipped hot dog into the mess that completely bypassed his entire idea of being a PB&J human burrito.

Yoko had flashed to her side seconds after she'd sent the message with a guttural reaction to the human food, her nose buried in the dark blue polyester she'd brought along at the urgent message (sent with confetti and a boom, for effect).  It was too late to save the room from the mess with the tarp, but at least Enid didn't have to suffer alone at probably the most disturbing moment of her entire adolescent career.

Yoko throws the balled up tarp at him, where it rolls off like the middle slice of bread for the floor's own brand of sandwich.

Fuck this was gross.

"How have you made it this long without someone throwing you out an airlock or something?!"

Ajax looks over with a broad grin, his tongue flicking out to clean off some of the jelly that was rapidly covering him in a sticky film that made even Xavier, the glutton of the group, look a bit queasy from where he stood behind a tripod.

Oh, right. Ajax had garnered such an ingenious idea because he wanted to go viral on TikTok. Like every other absent-minded teenager.

Enid wasn't any different, of course. She uploaded makeup tutorials, get ready with me's and a bunch of silly dance skits (along with the occasional fan page posting of Seventeen), religiously. But she never made such a huge mess (and waste) for the sake of a few views.

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