I'll Keep You Safe

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i have writers block so bad and also have insomnia but I got a prompt on A03, so I persevered to the best of my ability anyway!


Bianca, Yoko, Ajax and Xavier stand guilty at the door of the hospital wing, both girls murmuring apologizes that Enid doesn't quite care for at this moment, whilst the boys bow their heads and nervously sketch, respectively.

She'd found out about Wednesday's impromptu visit to the medical facility when Davina had gingerly peered into the classroom she was taking a test in, asking for her. The teacher let her go with a sigh- because she was usually pardoned by the teacher due to the familiarity of dark braids and an unforgiving stare. But that was lacking- and that was terrifying.

The siren girl hadn't said much as they walked along the corridor, except that Wednesday had been rushed in during an anaphylaxis attack, which they had quickly treated thanks to both Yoko's super speed, and the Addams' natural immunity to most deadly illness. Davina hadn't looked her in the eye once, as they approach the half of the school that housed the medical facility. She seemed in her own little bubble of rage at the actions of her girlfriend, who had been apart of the quartet that landed Wednesday in a near catastrophic allergic state.

And there is only one thing Wednesday is allergic to. Colour. When they hug, it's not too big a deal due to the fact they're both fully dressed and the colour doesn't touch her skin- but to wear colour, would be the same thing as sitting someone allergic to bees in an apiary and letting them go rampant.

She isn't sure the full details, other than the Nightshades had decided to test the insane theory of an aversion to colour, and had tricked her into a soft purple T-Shirt.

They'd waited until Wednesday had gym class, where Bianca, who shared the same period as her, had snagged her uniform from Wednesday's locker and left a pair of black pants and that shirt. Why Wednesday would ever fall for it, was beyond her.

And Enid truly doesn't mean it intentionally when she's ignoring their wordy regrets once she's made it to the clinic, with a farewell from the siren that glares at both Yoko and Bianca.
She won't berate them for their actions. It was a prank, after all. Stupid, childish and dangerous- one that they had absolutely no intention of harming Wednesday with. Because who the fuck was allergic to colour? Allergic to the sun- sure, silver, of course. But colour?

But they did hurt her. Badly. And that was enough to make her skin itch with the need to transform and wage war on everything surrounding her.

Because she's staring at Wednesday Friday Addams, the most infamous and wicked student at Nevermore Academy, who was laid up in a sterile room that reeked of antiseptic and stale blues with an IV piercing her hand to pump her full of steroids and antihistamines, at the behest of a stupid fucking practical joke.

She looks to the empty beds around, aside from a Junior rugby player getting suited for a cast. It's a derelict little place- meant to soothe aches and pains, but when her eyes land on Wednesday again, a frail body sunken in the monochrome sheets, a cry starts to form in the pit of Enid's stomach, warbling all the way to her lips. Because nothing could ever soothe the pain of seeing Wednesday suffer, even at Wednesday's own behest most of the time.

Enid blinks a few times when a hand touches her shoulder, quickly sheathing her claws and relaxing enough for her fangs and ochre eyes to flicker back to dull canines and cornflower blue. Turns to Yoko, who smiles sheepishly.

"We really are sorry, Enid. We didn't think Wednesday was serious with the whole... allergy thing." She winces, eyeing the girl who was being fussed over by nurses and, also, Eugene who was happily prattling away about his apiary's newest addition of Western Honey Bees. Wednesday, on her part, seems to calm in his presence enough to ignore the group still dressed in their purple robes, lingering nearby. She hadn't even dignified Enid with a hello, who had all but wolfed out to get here as fast as her body could carry- Davina left scrambling up the few flights of stairs to catch up.

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