Annoy Me 'Till Were Both Black and Blue in the Face

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Do I like this one? No. Am I sick and trying to stop my brain from falling out of my skull? Yes!


"Hey! You guys made it!"

Enid flushed when stepping out of the car, just to bump right into Tyler's chest. He smiled easily, and she relaxed. Yes, they had some weird history- given the fact he managed to get Wednesday for a bit until she dumped him, but he was being rather cool with it all and... was possibly the biggest- and loudest- supporter of her and Wednesday, who, had stepped out of the car with a pile of gifts in a bag by her side, a look of practiced boredom painting her features.

"Oh, great, just the red monstrosity I wanted to see. And considering this is my home I opened to you, it really should not shock your fragile mind so at my presence." She placated, accepting the boy's roll of the eyes and hug without further comment.

He had dyed his hair during a particularly dry spell, he'd reasoned, and hadn't lived it down yet. He tugged some of the longer strands down a bit further by his ears, stepping back to make room for them.

So maybe getting Wednesday and... really any of her friends to be best friends was impossible, but Wednesday was trying her hardest to be amicable with the group, limiting her snide remarks to one per person an hour. So far, everyone was perfectly content with that. Hell, she'd opened up the Addams family home to them for the New Years, so that was certainly a step in the right direction.

"Where's Ajax?" Enid asked, smoothing out the crinkles in her pink dress. Tyler shrugged, "Off with Xavier, probably hooking up in the guest room."

Wednesday whined. "I don't need to know what my ex does with my girlfriends ex! That's so exponentially weird."

Tyler smirked, taking the women's coats and bags once they made it into the foyer of the house. "Oh, I know. I just felt like sharing this holiday season."

Wednesday stuck her tongue out at him, Enid deciding to mediate by pushing her off in the direction of the drinks sitting on a cart in the lounge manned by her grandmama, and followed Tyler deeper into the house to find the rest of her friends playing a game of Uno. Eugene flicked Pugsley in the back of the head, who swiftly tackled the boy to the ground, Tyler running over to pile on top of them both.

Enid laughed.

Yoko noticed and perked up, practically toppling over herself and over Divina and Bianca who also tried to get to the blonde as fast as possible. She braced for the impact of the three girls, and muttered a quiet prayer as the three came barreling into her at full force. She may be superhuman, but they were too, and was glad to only feel a rib crack a bit, which was a large improvement to when they broke her arm after trying to all pass her the butter.

"Enid! Thank fuck, I thought you were going to pussy out!" Yoko said in lieu of a greeting, enveloping her in an all-too tight embrace.

She quickly shoved her away, smacking her on the shoulder. "Have some decorum! We're in the Addams' home!"

Divina and Bianca  snickered from either side of her, the latter having swung her arm around her while Divina bent down to rest her chin on her shoulder.

"Hi guys," she greeted, eyeing them the best she could at the awkward positioning.

"We hear tonight is the night, Enid, isnt that right, Bianca?" Divina waggled her brows.

She groaned, feeling the itching need for a drink or two to deal with the embarrassment and nerves. Bianca taps her fingers against Enid's arm rhythmically.
"Oh yeah, the night of all nights."

Yoko  levelled a smirk her best friend's way, dropping her voice an octave and swivelling her lips in.. a seductive way? Enid couldnt deduce.

"Hope you left the hand-woven bra at home, Ends."

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