wishin' on dandelions

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"What are you doing?" Wednesday spoke, as she approaches the blonde in the forest a bit of a ways out from Nevermore school grounds.

They weren't meant to be out at this time- 4:15 am, to be exact- but they'd been exploring the woods aimlessly for hours, simply because Wednesday adored the dark and Enid adored Wednesday.

Wednesday had branched off along the ravine to try and find some sort of poisonous mushroom that she'd read grew in the dampest parts of the forests, whilst Enid had strayed toward the grassier parts that housed some flowers (mostly wilting or dead, yet some persevered).

Most flowers wouldn't survive in the winter they were in, where if the cold didn't catch them, the heavy footfall of snow boots would.

But a singular dandelion persevered, proudly among its fallen friends with its pappi fully intact, the cypsela standing strong against the torrential winds.

Enid was crouched low, smiling down at the flower, turning her head over her shoulder to regard the curious goth who had a basket of deadly fungi.

"A dandelion. Can you believe it?"

With a sound that mimicked a whine of metal on metal- Wednesday's version of a sigh- she approached and stood awkwardly beside the awestruck blonde.

"Yes. A asteraceae. They survive by moving nutrient to their roots. Not very rare."
Wednesday quirked her head to the side. "How odd that it is alone. We should kill it."

Enid rolled her eyes, glaring up through her eyelashes at the brunette. She knew the threat was empty, her tone lacking it's usual bite, but it was still disturbing to hear her urge to harm the unsuspecting, innocent little flower. More disturbing than the time Wednesday recounted Sighanidè Poiseawning would be a beautiful name for a baby girl.

Wednesday had found it so hysterical she almost smiled.

"Of course you would think so. We don't need to kill every living thing we find, do we, Buddy?" She adopted a baby-voice, cooing, as she stroked the stem of the flower.

It made Wednesday want to strangle her.

She bristled, but abided. "Do something then, before I mame you instead for ruining my fun."

Curious blue eyes met steely brown. "Like what?"

Wednesday huffed, thinking of her disgustingly-loving father. "Make a wish and blow on it."

A beat passed- the sounds of early risers and wildlife filtering into their vicinity. Wednesday hated it.

She hated life.

Not life itself- because life brought her Enid. And Thing, considering he was sentient, and perhaps her own family. But life in regards to anything else was sickening.

"Okay, very banal of you, but okay." Enid sighed, something soft and tangible, tilting her chin down and scrunching her nose in a way that let everyone around her know she was thinking. It was so saccharine sweet Wednesday could feel the cavities form.

At least then she'd be able to practice the art of dentistry, preferably in a dimly-lit room and no hydrocodone.

Under a dark and watchful gaze, Enid let her eyelids flutter close before she blew on the small flower, the tiny ray flowers flittering into the gentle breeze.

Enid smiled.

Wednesday despised it, and her throat itched with question she didn't care to ask for anyone other than the blonde. "What did you wish for?"

Enid looked up, her gaze soft and warm and everything that made Wednesday want to strip her flesh off and soak her bones in something radioactive, and simultaneously bathe in the glow only Enid had- something moonlit and scorching hot the same.

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