If You Mess with Me, You're Messing With My (Addams) Family

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well... I think this is the last one of this one shot book, so it's only right it's a prompt from one of my biggest supporters on A03 :") thank you all for the support; the comments, likes and follows. They warm my heart and I've screenshotted a whole bunch to add to my inspiration wall :) Ill probably come back to this when season 2 drops, but for now it's onward and upward for my professional writing :)

The prompt-  "Enid brings home to the dorm an injured animal."

Enjoy my friends <3



"Oh, come on, Willa!"

"Absolutely not! I am not taking care of that horrible creature."

"For the love of God!" Enid sighs heavily from her spot by the door. "It's just a baby!"

Dark eyes meet the ochre ones of the raccoon cub, his fluffy head poking out from Enid's arms and tilting it, a tongue lolling out the side of his mouth. Wednesday's nose scrunches in distaste. "It's a drooling beast with an awful stench. Quite like you."

Enid groans, the cub regarding Wednesday reproachfully now from the weight of her glare, whining into Enid's chest.

Enid is out on her usual recon after the full moon in the forest, systematically mapping the grounds, locating any kids stuck in between their wolf and human forms and making note of what, if anything, was destroyed as she ghosts along through the shadows to not bother the earth more than she and others had the night before. She knows, intellectually, that this particular group of new-wolves aren't the most intelligent in living alongside the wildlife preservation effort, had read it in the booklet she was given when she'd volunteered for the job. She doesn't expect to find anything stomach turning, aside some indigestible bones or signs of struggle. So when she stumbles across a side path and follows the recently stomped down path, she is unprepared for what she sees.

She is halfway through scouting the area, preparing to head back to the school when she hears it: a faint whimper and the rustle of shifting foliage. She looks down and freezes.

Enid has seen, and caused, no small amount of blood, death and destruction since her first transformation, despite her girlfriends adamant suggestion of vegetarianism. But something about this scene hits her harder than all of that combined. She can harden herself against the dregs left from cruelty done by humans to other humans, but this? This is something else.

She can tell the winning dogs from the losers easily, for lack of a better metaphor. The winning dogs are the ones that leave her pack mates wounded beyond their pride, tearing into the forest floor with a lightness to their feet to find themselves a feast in celebration of another month of survival. The losers are usually nothing but a stain left in the dirt. 

But finding this raccoon cub- abandoned by its mother and without a pack to help it. Oh, it made her sick to her stomach. She breaths in through her mouth, trying to ignore the scent of gore that clings to her nose and puts a hand to her First Aid pouch.

She focuses on the memory of steady, even cadences of Wednesday's words that had walked her through plenty of panic attacks and soothed her to reality after reoccurring night terrors. She names three things she can see, touch, and hear before she drops to a knee.

One of the losing dogs, a brindled baby, is trying to crawl out from under its mangled fur. His right forepaw is lame, and he scrabbles for purchase on the ground, whining and crying as he tries and fails to get away from the stranger.

She pushes out calming pheromones, smiling encouragingly at the cub that seems to relax its tensed muscles and slows its movements. She offers a hand, palm out for the cub that sniffs up at her, curious and trusting as he crawls to awkwardly lay on her lap.

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