Paper Cut

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I dropped a book! Ms. No Strings Attached on Wattpad!! Give her a read (it's rated M! Beware)


Something was up the second Enid entered the dorm. First and foremost— there were black blankets seemingly tacked above the window to block out whatever light may be dwadling in the early turn of night, and secondly, there was absolutely no sound.

She wondered briefly if she had entered some kind of sensory deprivation room, and gave the wall by the door a few cautionary knocks to ensure she could still hear. She flinched at the loudness from the simple action that reverberates through the darkness, followed by skittering that sounded like nails on the wood.

Enid blinks, trying to adjust before calling out quietly. "Wednesday?"

The skittering stops. Theres a sliver of light, as Thing's silhouette goes leaping from the windowsill before fluttering shut again. If a discombobulated hand were able to emote, Enid would guess he looked apologetic and equal parts exhausted.

Then, like a gust of kerosene has blown by, candles light. More specifically, a ring of candles, that looked awfully similar to one's she's seen Wednesday use for seances before. Said girl sits in the middle of it all, her expression drawn out from beneath a much too large hood sprouting from a much too long robe.

"Hello, Enidabeth."

"My name isn't short for anything."

Wednesday waves her words away, releasing a long and tortured sigh. "Things in this world are much too short."

Enid's eyes slot to their sides to also ensure she didn't step into some alternate timeline (her Heathers poster remains proudly above her net full of squishies), before bouncing back to the raven.

She pads across the room slowly to not spook whatever fragile process the morose girl is in, smiling tentatively. "Uh, Wednesday are you okay?"

Wednesday watches her approach cautiously. "Wellness is a spectrum I do not contend with." She replies, before dropping her gaze to the small leather-backed book in her lap.

Doodle-covered Nike's stop just outside the red-painted circle. She knows better than to disturb the sanctum the other girl has no doubt painstakingly created, but her heart just lurches painfully in her chest when Wednesday's frown deepens and she says nothing more. She'd give another couple thousand dollars in dorm damages to fix whatever was making the other teen so upset.

"Wednesday? What's going on? Are you okay?"

Wednesday's eyes follow the nervous shifting of the pink gym shoes, before she releases an exaggerated breath. "I am dying, Enid. I am performing my final rites."

Enid slips on nothing, falling ungracefully to her ass but doesn't react, too busy flailing to get as close to Wednesday without breaking the drawn line, so she ends up sitting on her heels and sort of clawing at the air. "W-what? Oh my god, what?! How— ? Show me!"

One side of Wednesday's lip quirks grimly at the werewolf's frantic pawing, and unveils her mortal wound...

Enid thinks about committing a felony. "Is that a fucking paper cut?"

On Wednesday's pale thumb is a thin, half inch line, discoloured and swollen but otherwise normal. The skin seems to have even knitted itself back together already.

Flummoxed, Enid breaks the circle as she scoots across on her knees. Wednesday tuts reprovingly at the action. Glowers when the back of her head gets cuffed by Enid's palm.

"That is abuse." She says monotonously.

Enid's eyes widen "No, scaring me like that is abuse! God— what is wrong with you!" She crows, delivering another well-deserved smack to the back of Wednesday's head.

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