Say Yes to Me, Say Yes to Heaven

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Wednesday gets visions during The Hug™️ about their future together (prompt)


Enid is holding her close, so tight like she's trying to morph them into one so Wednesday doesn't float away. And Wednesday is stoic, her hands at her sides and pulls away looking at a face covered in blood and lacerations and tears. And she can't bear it. Pulls her in tight, but it's not tight enough to stop her head from snapping back or her spine arching unnaturally.

And then, Enid is bringing her home with her.  Her hands are oddly clammy, as she wipes them on her black pants, facing down the barrel of the gun that are the less than adequate parental figures of the Sinclair family.

But, Enid had begged. Literally, on her knees despite Wednesday outright refusing. Her attempts to avoid meeting the people she romanticized murdering. But the 15th time was her max, as she relented to the gleeful cheering of her girlfriend that had jumped onto the bed before scraping around the room packing both their bags at once.

This wasn't the first time she'd met them- she'd... experienced their eccentricities during parents week, but this would be the first time she met them as her and Enid being mates.

Esther Sinclair downturned her nose, a sour pull to her face. Wednesday stood, unblinking with Enid's hand nervously squeezing hers every few seconds.

"Mom, Dad, this is-"

"Wednesday Addams. The girl who... my daughter has mated with." Esther sneers.

Wednesday smirks, basking in the horrid woman's displeasure. Mr. Sinclair says nothing, awkwardly lingering behind his wife. She rubs her thumb mindlessly across Enid's knuckles, pulling her tighter into her side and delighting in the way Esther's eyes flash.

"It is my absolute pleasure to see you again."

Esther growled lowly, her husband reaching forward to pat her shoulder but she pushes him off. Enid rolls her eyes. "Mom, can you not?-"

"Not what? Point out the very clear mistake you're making by pairing with something that thrives off pain and destruction?!"

Enid growls, her claws extracting and scratching at Wednesday's skin. She doesn't flinch, positioning  herself to stand in front of Enid.

"I am not a something. I am, surprisingly, a human. But you're correct. I do thrive off pain and destruction. So much so, I'd tear the world apart for Enid, your beautiful, amazing and strong daughter who I love very much."

The hand pulls on hers, and she turns her head to look at wide blue eyes. "You... love me?" Enid murmurs.

Oh. Right. They hadn't said that yet. Wednesday smiles- a smile reserved only for Enid, nodding. "Eternally. Now," she turns back to Esther who's positively seething.

Beams dead eyed- all teeth and silent warning. "Let it be known I don't like you, just as much as you do not like me. But I'm the one Enid's soul has chosen, and you take those very seriously." Esther deflates as her words Knick something in her, complacent. "So I am going to be with her, because she is my soulmate. And you can either learn to deal with it, and also learn to treat your wonderful child properly, or..."

She clicks her fingers, and Thing scurries over. Esther screams, falling back into husband who looks equally perturbed by the disembodied hand. "Thing here will be paying you a visit."

She spins Enid around, tugging the giggling girl to the door. "This was fun! Let's do it again, I'll send you the wedding invite in the mail!"

And she does. She didn't mean it, but Esther had been cordial at holidays and during school breaks, and Enid and her seemed to be repairing what was left of their relationship.

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