oh to be young, and in love

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It was family day break at Nevermore, and without even being asked, Enid had gotten back to the dorm after lunch to see her bag packed by the door, and Wednesday says nothing as she waits for Enid to follow her out of the room.

Maybe she shouldn't have been so loud about how she'd be staying behind during break, because now Wednesday probably felt... well, nothing, but most likely didn't want to return to a room full of tears and empty snack wrappers, and found this to be her best choice.

A man- towering and lithe held the door of the vintage 1933 Packard V-12 (because Enid knew her cars like she knew her own tail), open for them. He was grotesquely pale, and only his eyes followed when Enid slipped into the plush backseat, wincing as the door slammed shut behind her.

She was dumbfounded the entire notably and eerily quiet ride, dumbfounded at the fact she'd been invited to Wednesday's most sacred place. The Addams family manor.

She'd never met the family that sired such a disturbed girl, but she couldn't help the excited chatter in her mind, or the butterflies the closer they got. And she wasn't surprised in the least when they came upon the ghoulish Victorian manor, made of blacks, greys and stone with windows teetering high. The home stood as proud as the heads of house in the doorway- two boys flanking them.

"Are those your brothers?"

Wednesday leaned forward, peering out the window, with a scowl. "Unfortunately, though I have tried to sell them. Puglsey and Pubert."

Enid raised an eyebrow at that. "Pubert?"

"Yes. I tried to kill him but he just kept surviving. Shame, really."

Enid couldn't tell if Wednesday was being serious, but decided for her own sanity while staying in the Addams house that, no, in fact, she was not.

The car rolled to a stop, and Wednesday promptly hopped out- appearing like a cloud of smoke at Enid's door to open it for her. She apprehensively thanked the gothic teen- because Wednesday wasn't usually so considerate- but chalked it off as a hiccup, instead choosing to take in jarring awe, the mass of the house in the middle of Romania.

"Oh, my little scorpion! How I have loathed your return." Her father- Gomez, Wednesday had told her, greeted with a warm smile.

Morticia was at his side, smiling down from her towering height at her only daughter. "The halls will once again reek of decay."

They both looked at Wednesday with such adoration- a sight that made Enid's heart pang with longing but she braved through it, plastering a polite smile as the Addams' turned toward her.

"Ah, you must be Enid! We have heard so many terrible things!" Gomez all but gushes, wrapping her in a tight hug that knocks all wind from her lungs. "You were right, Wednesday. She does have a stench of wet dog!"

Enid narrows her eyes at her room mate, whose lip twitches in acknowledgment of what's considered to any as an insult. Morticia doesn't seem to think so, placing a hand that only seemed to hover over Wednesday on Enid's back, a tender look to her.

"You are as dreadful as the day is long, sweet girl."

Enid quirks her head, trying to grasp the concept of insults as complimentary. "Thank you. I've... heard nothing but tales of woe."

Morticia looks to her daughter with a quick snap of her neck, her hand pressed to her chest. "Oh, you wound me so, mi amour. How I have longed for you."

Pugsley approaches next, tugging his little brother- who for some reason had a full mustache mirroring his fathers- along, to greet his sister who started rapid fire threatening the two boys, who looked overcome with joy.

Young and in Love - WenclairWhere stories live. Discover now