Far Too Much To Bear

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Enid's hair is newly toned with reds and pinks to match the paint on her nails, adjusting the sweater made up of red and white hearts when Wednesday walks into the quad, plunking herself down beside her personal eyesore.

"Happy Valentine's Day!" Enid cheers, bumping Wednesdays shoulder who scowls in response. Picks at the peel of the tangerine on Enid's plate with nails black, and putridly smelling of acetate that has Enid's nose scrunching.

Wednesday hums, her thumb nail parting the fruit but never reaching for a slice.
"Yes, another arbitrary holiday filled with patriarchal ideals. How enticing."

Xavier slinks into the seat across the girls, slinging an arm around Ajax who leans his head against his shoulder, rolling his eyes. "Must you be such a downer all the time?"

She beams a dead eyed smile, her gaze flickering down to her thumb that's coated in the fruit juice and pith. "It is one of my more redeeming qualities."

He chuckles in response, nodding to Enid. "So, got any plans for the day?"

Enid sits up proudly, puffing her chest out.
"I'm having a date with myself."

Wednesday tilts her head, huffing something akin to a laugh.
"How many times did you have to ask to get a yes?"

Enid narrows her eyes playfully, biting into a piece of her croissant. "Haha. How funny. What, no big dates for you then?"

Wednesday gags dryly, finally letting her hand fall to her lap. She regards the croissant with mild disinterest. "I'l be sitting in the solitude of my yellowing pages by the graveyard of my great aunt."

The trio all look at each other weirdly, Ajax shaking his head and reaching across the table to pat Enid's hand. "A date with yourself sounds great, Ends, but didn't you mention how you got five proposals in your locker yesterday?"

Wednesday stiffens out of Enid's peripheral, the blade she keeps snugly tucked into the arm of her sleeve dipping.

Xavier looks all too snug across from her, and she shoots him something sardonic.

Enid sighs wistfully. "Yeah, but it's totally lacking in the romance! I mean- Valentines Day is the most romantic day of the year! I'm not gonna waste it on some guy who slipped some over the top Pinterest love letter into the waste of my locker. The letters totally smell of metal and school, too."

Wednesday, usually as still as the bodies she claims her mother has in a pile, is twitching. Enid looks to her with a raised eyebrow, but the raven-haired girl refuses to meet her gaze.

"Uh.. Wends, you okay?"

Wednesday blinks, seemingly coming out of her haze. She nods sharply, standing.

"Where are you going?"

Huffs a sigh from her nose. Her eyelid twitches as she glowers down at Enid, before she stomps off back into the school without a single goodbye. Enid turns to the two boys across the table, who are comparing hand sizes.

Groaning, a smile plays at her lips nonetheless. "You guys are so sweet it's actually killing me!"

Xavier sticks his tongue out playfully. "Well, maybe Wednesday will actually kill you. Or suffocate you with her love."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Enid flushes, gnawing at the skin of her cheek, wistful thoughts plaguing her imagination.

Ajax rolls his eyes. "Xav, leave the little golden retriever alone. You know there's only two braincells rubbin' together in there."

Whining. "Heeeyy, I'm a werewolf!" Flexes her claws proudly. "See? Don't mess with me!"

"Oh yeah, you're a real wild coyote." He snorts in response, reaching across to snag a piece of the decicrated tangerine Wednesday left on the plate.

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