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All of Nevermore Academy knew- would swear their lives and their mothers on it- that Wednesday Addams did not like the internet.

She found it offensive, compared to classical forms of literataey composition, and if ever asked to write a paper on something- she'd be found with the dustiest, never-before-touched book in the library where most would turn to the internet for help.

So when Xavier had been scrolling on Twitter, and saw an account a little too vague to not be Wednesday herself- he'd shared it with everyone.

Which, really, meant he shared it with Tyler, Ajax, Yoko and Enid.

And oh- how they were having a field day. Most of it was composed of little clippings of her novel- very clearly hers, hence the Viper De La Muerta name drop- and dozens of morbid artworks liked and retweeted.

But the one tweet they were absolutely losing it over, was posted two days ago- not a very notable day, in itself. School was boring, Wednesday was as deadpan as usual, and Enid had decided to change up her cotton candy hair for something more befitting the hotter weather; sunset. Ajax had also asked Enid to the solstice party- a non-school sanctioned event. Everyone was going, what was the harm of going with one of her closest friends? Wednesday wouldn't have wanted to attend, firmly announcing a month prior she'd be busy until end of term with her novel.

She had let it slip, during mundane conversation with her roommate when asked why she was so jittery. Wednesday hadn't said more on the topic, but thinking back, Enid did see that same homicidal rage come to life in Wednesday's dark eyes as it did whenever she was particularly pissed off.

And that same day, Wednesday tweeted:

'Lol im so chill. Not violent at all. No violent tendencies No negative thoughts about harming others Specifically this one boy. Im literally idgaf. Like i dont care. Bc im chill. Lol. Im not gonna beat him to death with a metal bat lol thats crazy why would u even assume that lol'
11:15 pm - 2022/11/26 - Twitter for iPhone

It was... concerning, at the very least, but not unusual. Yes, it was the first time she ever used such liminal vocabulary- especially after Enid was chewed out for her incoherent blog- but still, quite on par with Wednesday. Only worrisome because clearly, she'd lost all sense of her own proper and well thought out use of the English language.

The group had poured over it like some ancient artifact- deciphering what it could mean, the hidden coding, the time of posting- the fact she had a fucking iPhone none of them knew about.

But Enid wasn't concerned.

That is, until she got back to the dorm to find 5 more, thicker, lines of tape seperating their shared space.

Wednesday was at her typewriter, not even sparing a wayward glance at the blonde, her fingers continuing their diligent work.

Enid cocked an eyebrow, slinging her back pack off her shoulder and standing there, dumbfounded by the boundary.

"Uh, what's all this?"

Wednesday didn't reply.

Okay, so maybe the physical boundary also meant they'd stepped even further back in time and all progress made was voided.

As she lay in bed that night, Wednesday asleep, the curiosity gnawing at her was getting too much to handle. So, like sneaking into the kitchen late at night, she held her breath, moving to the border and kneeling down, eyes focusing on Wednesday's movements in case she suddenly bolted at her.

But her breathing was steady, and so Enid peeled the edge of one of the tape pieces—

Just for a knife to go whooshing past her.

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