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This is an AU, where Enid is popular and Wednesday is just sort of a social outcast.
Enid is besties with Ajax (who as cannon, she dates but ew) Ajax (bisexual king <3) is dating Xavier, and Xavier is besties with Wednesday.

Xavier isn't either popular nor an outcast, he just kinda vibes. Okay- bye.


"Are you fucking delusional?"

Enid had sat on that question - though, it really was more of an insult than anything else- for probably far too long. Because what the absolute fuck.

What the absolute fuck prompted Ajax, her-ex-and-best-friend Petropolus to traipse his way into the women's dormitories at 2:45 am on a Thursday- practically having his eyes fall from their sockets as he struggled for words while Enid rubbed at her sleep-ridden eyes.

Enid eventually herded the boy- still mumbling to himself, slack jaw like an extra out of a fucking horror movie- to the beanbag sitting on her side of the room, with an enticing bottle of Rum- (no one's favourite except Xavier's- but it soothed Ajax, because everyone with fucking eyes knew he'd jump off a cliff if it interested Xavier.)

And so, Ajax began on his tangent- his volume levels lowering and upping every few seconds depending on when Enid's hushes actually entered his thick skull). He'd rambled senselessly- until he finally managed to take a deep breath, (and a large swig of liquor).

"You fucked up Wednesday, Ends. So badly. I've never seen her hurt so fucking much from someone else. Sure, she's kind of naturally this depressive and angry void, and she's never been particularly kind; but this? Fuck, Ends. You did a number on her."

Enid had shut her eyes, recalling the previous day's events.


She'd waltzed into Sunrise Records like any other day- picking a movie for a flu-ridden Yoko after she'd practically clung on her leg like a whiny toddler before she agreed. God forbid her stupid best friend pay for Netflix, but of course that was feeding into the schemes of the 'big man'. (It's important to note, here, that Yoko is in a rebellious phase.)

Grumbling, she approached the register, staring at the bold cover of the DVD tape of The Towering Inferno. She was studying the nearly unrecognizable art on the cover, and hadn't noticed the shorter girl watching her in amusement.

"Didn't know you were into classics, let alone McQueen, Sinclair."

Enid's neck nearly snapped as she looked up to lock eyes with none other than Wednesday Bucktooth. Although, her teeth seemed pretty perfect, glaring at her under the fluorescents and sandwiched between two full lips.

It was a nickname that clung to the other girl since their time in middle school. Though Enid hadn't ever personally ridiculed her, she hadn't done anything to stop it either.

Enid rolled her eyes, forcing her (unwilling) gaze from that sinful mouth back to the cover, plucking it from its shelf to slide it along the newly waxed counter. "It's for my friend."

Wednesday snorted, shaking her head as if that was all that would be suspected of Enid. As if she couldn't enjoy shitty, non-engaging films straight from the box just because she wanted to. It gritted beneath her skin, and along her bones. Thin fingers with way too many rings and skin red and raised around the nails from chewing scanned the code on the back, carefully putting it in a bag as if it were the most precious thing on earth.

God, Wednesday Addams was so weird.
The same weirdo looked up, her eyes so, so fucking heavy that it nearly had Enid collapsing at the knees under the vast waves of emotions she couldn't quite pinpoint directed at her.

"4.35." Wednesday smirked- infuriatingly beautiful and all Enid could do was nod, shifting through her change purse.
Wednesday clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth, scooping the coins into her palm.

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