Its my right to be hellish.

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Enid was used to the ominous shadow that was Wednesday Addams by now. She appeared out of thin air, and dissapeared within the next blink of the eye. However, she didn't anticipate to be scrolling on an app in the dead-quiet library when Wednesday appeared next

"What is Tinder?"

Enid screamed- a full bodied, blood-curtling scream that had the librarian red in the face. She fell to the ground with a thump, a hand gripping at her chest. "Jesus Christ, Addams! Have you ever heard of not sneaking up one someone?"

Wednesday has her hands on the backing of the chair Enid threw herself from, drowning down at her like this was somehow not her fault in the slightest.

"No. What is Tinder?"

The pestering was also something of Wednesday she'd become well acquainted with. Wednesday loves to snoop, and doesn't take no for an answer. Even if she drops the conversation, she'll resume it three days later when Enid had completely forgotten what happened.

Like, when Enid had said "I'm gagged" and Wednesday had looked at her like she had three heads. She'd waved it away, only to have Wednesday raise her hand during Thornhill's class a week later to ask everyone at large what and who was gagging Enid.

She thought, beningely, about killing herself to escape the embarrassment when several upperclassmen whooped and whistled.

This time, Wednesday didn't seem content on putting the topic on the back burner. Reaching down to pick up the phone that had fell from Enid's grip.

Enid feels her face heat up, wondering if she screamed again if the librarian would throw them both out. Not that it'd be of use- Wednesday would probably ask the entire cafeteria in an hour.

She pulls herself onto the chair, snatching her phone back as Wednesday taps uselessly on the device she doesn't even have. "It's an... app. For people to meet."

Wednesday frowns, and it's adorable how confused she gets at the most simple of things. Enid swallows thickly against the awe.

Wednesday rounds the chair, sitting in the one closest to her. So close, their thighs are brushing and Enid's claws pop out. She plays it off, etching a random star into the wood of the table.

"Why would you need to meet people? There are tons in this very building."

Enid wonders if Wednesday ever lets her brain rest. "These are specific... types of people."

Wednesday's frown deepens. "But there's different kinds here-"

"Oh my god, Wednesday, it's a dating app!" Exasperated. Her face flushed a brilliant red, and looks away from obsidian eyes that burn a hole through her skull.

"Dating app? You wish to date people?"

Enid chuckles. "Yeah, Willa. Kind of a normal thing for teenagers."

To that, Wednesday hums something negative. "That is a colossal waste of time. People have adapted into needing others so much they cannot fathom the idea of solitude."

Downtrodden, Enid sighs. "I knew you wouldn't understand."

Silence encompasses the girls, claws continuing to make tiny plants to compliment the star. She's finishing the hoops of Saturn, when she feels a hand on hers.

"I do not... not, understand the longing. I have learned it... in time." Her voice is soft, a sad mutter. Enid looks at her with wide eyes.


The cool hand rubs a a circle with the pad of a soft thumb. Stills. "Who are you interested in?"

Enid sighs, leaning back in her chair. Claws flex and retract. "Uh... someone who's willing to date me and not make me feel gross?" Laughing.

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