Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

    The person who spoke was standing at the door. She was wearing a crimson dress and her skin was creamy and beautiful. I saw her slowly curling her lips, her temperament was flamboyant and bright, and she sneered casually. Wherever her eyes went, she subconsciously fell silent. avoiding her sight.

    Li Pang stood up abruptly and turned around with a dark face. After he saw clearly who it was, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he forgot what he was about to say.

    "You——you are Song Manman?" Li Yang couldn't believe it, and then he didn't know what to think of, and suddenly said arrogantly: "I didn't expect you to agree to attend the party I organized." What

    Li Yang said was specially emphasized The four words "I formed it" took it for granted that Song Manman knew his current status and came here eagerly. Otherwise, how could Song Manman come here because of the ugly trouble at the beginning.

    Song Manman glanced at him lightly, with a nonchalant expression: "Oh, who are you?"

    Li Pang's confident expression was broken, his face was ferocious, and he clenched his fists tightly. At this moment, everyone's eyes were on him. laughed at him.

    At this time, Su Xiaoyun stood up, smiled and said gently: "Sit down quickly when you come, everyone has been waiting for you for a long time."

    Song Manman glanced at her, and just sat in a seat where there were no one on the left and right. She just sat down, Some people couldn't hold back their curiosity and started to ask questions.

    "Song Manman, this dress of yours doesn't belong to NSou's family, does it?" The man stared wide-eyed and asked in shock, because she was lucky enough to see someone else wearing this brand of clothes, and the person wearing it was her. People in the circle who can't reach them in a lifetime.

    Hearing her words, the person next to that person curled his lips and said in a low voice, "How is it possible, maybe it's A-type."

    Although they didn't know whether it was A-type or not, they felt deep down that even if it was A-type Goods, even if worn on Song Manman's body, they look extraordinarily delicate and expensive.

    Su Xiaoyun on the side bit her lip tightly, staring at Song Slowly's bag tightly, her heart was terribly jealous, but she didn't show it no matter how jealous she was, she habitually showed a gentle and kind smile, pretending to say casually "Hey, this bag of yours is so pretty, isn't it very expensive?"

    From the moment she sat down, Song Manman just sat there lazily, simulating in her mind the content of the plot where she would leave after meeting the heroine.

    Hearing what Su Xiaoyun said, Song Manman slightly raised his eyelids, and wrote lightly: "Oh, this one, about two to three million."

    As soon as these words came out, everyone present gasped, and the smile on Su Xiaoyun's face He also froze for an instant, the jealousy in his eyes was almost uncontrollable, and his nails pinched his palm tightly.

    She thought that no matter how expensive the bag was, it would cost tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands, but she never thought that Song Manman's casual bag would cost several million.

    She was a little reconciled. Song Manman was the school girl when she was in school. She always overpowered her, and finally let her fall to the bottom. Now that she has stepped out of society, is it possible that she will overwhelm her again.

    After Su Xiaoyun sorted out her expression, she glanced at Li Jiang, who was sitting on the first seat with a livid face, and said maliciously: "I remember Song, your family is very poor, how could you buy such an expensive bag? Could it be you?" Really..."

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