Chapter 46

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Chapter 46

    There was a soft breathing sound next to his ear, and the mobile phone was attached to his ear. Song Manman did not speak, his eyes fell on Shen Yan downstairs outside the window, and he pulled the curtain tightly with his fingers and said: "It's cold at night, you should go back first."

    "Manman, did you forgive me?" Shen Yan asked nervously, breathing faster.

    "We'll talk about this tomorrow, it's too late, I want to rest." Song Manman frowned.

    Shen Yan at the bottom looked up at Song Manman in the room on the second floor, sighed softly, and said: "Okay."

    Song Manman hung up the phone, and then drew the curtains under Shen Yan's gaze, completely blocking the out of his sight.


    She didn't know when Shen Yan left. When Song Manman woke up the next day, she received a call from Shen's mother, telling her that she was now in their villa.

    When Song Manman passed by, he saw Mother Shen in the kitchen, telling Aunt Chen something.

    "Mom, why are you here?" Song Manman was a little surprised, especially when he saw her in the kitchen.

    Shen's mother's eyes lit up when she turned her head and saw Song Manman, and immediately took her hand to the kitchen, and while instructing Aunt Chen what to do, she said to her: "Mom thinks that the last time didn't work, this time It will definitely work."

    Song Manman: "..."

    She was a little helpless, but no matter how Song Manman explained, Shen's mother still seemed to be convinced, especially when she tried to explain clearly, Shen's mother showed distressed eyes.

    Seeing the freshly baked soup, Song Manman twitched the corners of her mouth, but she fell silent when she saw Mother Shen's expectant gaze.

    And the consequence of silence? Mother Shen packed the soup, put it in Song Manman's hands, and said with a kind smile, "Come on, Manman, take this to Xiaoyan Company."

    Song Manman froze, with a look of hesitation .

    Shen's mother patted her hand, and said with a serious face: "Manman, don't say that your mother asked you to send the ones you sent, you know."

    "Ah, is there any reason?" Song Manman was puzzled.

    Shen's mother's expression was indescribable: "Aren't you worried, Mom? I have been making several prescriptions for the past few days. Every time I send it to Xiaoyan, he doesn't drink it. I think he will definitely drink it if you send it to Manman."

    Song Manman was shocked, opened his eyes wide, and blurted out: "Send it every day?"

    Isn't this? In a disguised form, you are telling Shen Yan that your mother has already confirmed that he has obstacles in a certain way.

    Song Manman sighed.

    "Manman, send it to him quickly."

    However, seeing Shen's mother's expectant eyes, it was Song Manman's turn to hesitate. She still thought that she could delay? Gotta see.

    Song Manman took it in silence, and then replied dryly: "Okay, Mom."

    Seeing Song Manman leaving with the things, Shen's mother smiled gratifiedly.

    On the other hand, she was carrying her things, standing in front of the towering building, and when she was about to enter, she suddenly saw from the corner of her eye that she was parked in front of the car under a tree not far away, and someone was sneaking around in front of her car.

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