Chapter 21

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Chapter 21 · ?

    Ever since he was kicked out of bed, Shen Yan has been in a state of sulking. Seeing that Song Manman quickly forgot and didn't care, he became even more angry.

    But no matter how angry he was, he just pursed his lips tightly and remained silent.

    Hearing the slightly heavier footsteps behind him, Song Manman, who was sitting at the table drinking milk, waved his hand perfunctorily, and then said, "Goodbye, husband."

    Shen Yan paused slightly, with his suit jacket on his arm, in a low voice His voice sounded, he responded muffledly, and lifted his feet to leave.

    When Song Manman was the only one left, she finally breathed a sigh of relief, and could finally stop being embarrassed.

    She rested her chin and stared blankly, wondering what she was thinking, and suddenly Song Manman's eyes lit up. Anyway, the plot point hasn't come yet, so she can go out and play!

    Just do it, Song Manman stood up, went to the garage with a handbag, looked at the countless rows of beautiful new sports cars inside, and was stunned.

    Gan, she never imagined that the male lead is so rich. Although the original owner's family is very rich, it is just that ordinary people don't need to consider money, but for a rich family like the Shen family, it is beyond the reach. Song Manman is the first... For the first time, I felt the impact from the top giants.

    Song Manman's eyes were in a trance, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses. He choked up and said: [Woooo, it would be great if I were so rich. 】

    The system touched his head and said: 【Hey, you can stay here too, there are thousands of worlds, you can live anywhere. 】

    After listening to the system's words, Song Manman calmed down instantly, rational to the point of coldness: 【No, I want to go back to my world, where my home is. ]

    The system scratched its head: [Hmm, then you can go back after you finish the task. ]

    [Yes. ] Song Manman pursed her lips and hummed, a certain figure flashed through her mind, but she was quickly excluded.

    Song Manman chose the car closest to her, got in, and drove aimlessly.


    Ten minutes later.

    Song Manman was standing outside a certain hairdressing mall, rubbing her chin and looking at the things in her hands. She remembered that the original owner's father was coming back soon, and it happened that this gift could be given to him.

    Although Song's father in the original text is busy making money and doesn't stay at home all day long, after knowing what the original owner has done in the original text, he has no bottom line to connive.

    In the novel, no matter whether it is the female supporting role or the villain, they are always no match for the male and female protagonists.

    In the end, Father Song gave up his family wealth for the sake of the original owner, only for the original owner to live, but the bamboo basket was empty. Not only the money was lost, the daughter died, but the son became a vegetable. Father Song who suffered such a blow fell in love in just a few days On the sick bed, I died in depression.

    Song's father was busy with work all day long. The main reason was that apart from his wife's lack of money to treat her and died of illness in the early years, it was the original owner's desire to become a rich man since childhood.

The male lead must attack me after transmigrating into a female supporting roleWhere stories live. Discover now