Chapter 22

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Chapter 22 · ?

    The wind wasn't too strong tonight, but Song Manman wondered in a daze, if it was the wind blowing, she couldn't hear clearly, or how could she hear the words of giving her a building as a birthday present.

    Seeing her silent for a long time, Shen Yan hesitated, why Song Manman didn't seem happy, and her favorability also remained unchanged.

    Doesn't she want money too?

    Shen Yan was a little frustrated, he pursed his lips and lowered his eyes and said in a deep voice: "Don't you like it?"

    Hearing what he said, Song Manman finally recovered at this time, she thought of the gift she bought, and then Compare the one sent by Shen Yan.

    Song Manman: Sudden humbleness.

    The most important thing is that no matter how much money you give, she can't get it back. This feeling of getting it but not getting it all is simply painful and suffocating.

    Song Manman was heartbroken: [Can I really not take it back? ]

    System: [Hit me. 】

    Song Manman sighed silently, just as he came back to his senses, he saw that Shen Yan standing beside him seemed a little depressed.

    The fingers on the side unconsciously squeezed, and after a few seconds of silence, he asked: "...I like it very much, but why are you being so nice to me all of a sudden?"

    Song Manman ignored the fluctuations deep in his heart, and was a little confused. Speaking of the law that a male lead hates a female supporting role, even Shen Yan's current behavior of trying to please her is particularly puzzling.

    "There is no reason." Shen Yan's eyes flickered slightly, and his eyes fell on the top of her head vainly, looking at the favorability level "5" that hadn't touched for a long time, pursing his lips, drooping his eyes and said softly again: "Happy birthday."

    Song Manman paused for a moment, wondering why he repeated it again, she groaned, and then said hesitantly: "...Thank you husband?"

    At this time, a couple who were a little closer to them, the man gave the girl A bouquet of flowers, the girl smiled happily, the boy approached her and said something with a playful smile, the girl suddenly tiptoed and kissed the boy, and finally the two left with their arms in their arms.

    Shen Yan was thoughtful.

    Song Manman suddenly became vigilant, and she quietly took a step back.

    The next moment, Shen Yan took a step forward, bent down condescendingly, tapped his side face with his slender fingers, and said in a deep and cold voice: "Reward."


    Song Manman cursed inwardly, This male protagonist is getting more and more perverted, he wants to take advantage of her every now and then, it's so shameless.

    The cold breath rushed towards her face, eroding her silently, he leaned over and approached, and Song Manman only needed to tilt his head slightly to kiss his cheek.

    "Can't you?" Shen Yan's eyes drooped, his long eyelashes moved slightly, and he raised his eyes to look at him. In his deep eyes were emotions that Song Manman could not understand.

    Song Manman was slightly startled, the two of them were very close, their warm breaths intertwined, their eyes met, and the obscure and rare light in their eyes forced her to retreat steadily.

The male lead must attack me after transmigrating into a female supporting roleWhere stories live. Discover now