Chapter 18

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Chapter 18 · ?

    Shen Yan's eyes were heavy, looking at the clearly displayed "0.5" above Song Manman's head as if mocking him, the strength in his hand tightened slightly, completely forgetting that he was still putting a band-aid on the wound on Song Manman's hand .

    "Hiss, it hurts." Song Manman hurriedly withdrew his hand, just about to say something, but saw Shen Yan standing up abruptly, looked at her steadily for a few seconds and then lowered his eyes.

    Song Manman feels a little sympathetic when he sees it. For some reason, he always feels as if he has seen through him.

    But thinking of his own 200 million, Song Manman looked up at Shen Yan slightly, stretched out his hand and gently tugged at his sleeve, blinked his beautiful peach eyes, and said coquettishly, "Husband, tell me quickly What's the password?"

    Shen Yan stared at her quietly with drooping eyes, her eyes were clear, and the way she looked at him was tender and tender, exactly the same as in the past, even if people who didn't know saw this look, they would Can think how much Song Manman will love him.

    However the fact.

    Shen Yan looked at the dazzling "0.5", and was speechless for a moment, suspicious of life.


    Time passed by, Song Manman's face was frozen with laughter, but he didn't hear Shen Yan tell him the password, the hand holding his sleeve slowly tightened, and he gritted his teeth.

    Afterwards, Shen Yan watched helplessly as the only pathetic "0.5" favorability suddenly jumped to "0.4", and it continued to decline, and it seemed that it was about to reach a negative number.

    Shen Yan closed his eyes, his face was tense, and words came out of his throat with a cold face: "The password is eight zeros." The

    hand holding his sleeve loosened, and then Song Manman slightly Questioning words: "Hey, is it so simple?"

    Shen Yan took a deep look at her, and said coldly: "Oh, you are afraid that the password is too complicated to protect yourself in the end, so you set it on purpose."

    "..." Song Manman froze for a moment, and suddenly felt that this was indeed something she could do. As long as it involved passwords, she could keep it as simple as possible, otherwise she would be the one who protected the passwords in the end, and finally cracked them with tears.

    Song Manman laughed dryly, knowing that the hero Shen Yan would not lie to him, as if the stone in his heart had finally fallen, he smiled sincerely, subconsciously stood up and hugged Shen Yan when he was excited, and said with bright eyes: "Thank you husband The     moment she finished speaking, the favorability scale above her head jumped from a negative number to "0.5", and then jumped to a neat "1" in the next second.     Shen Yan didn't know whether he should be angry that Song Manman only had 1 point of affection for him, or thank her for extravagantly adding that small point of affection to him.     Even if Shen Yan doesn't know the difference between the degree of favorability, he can at least tell how pitiful it is to have a degree of favorability of only 1%, which is even worse than that of strangers.     Shen Yan: "..."     Seeing that he has been silent, Song Manman was a little puzzled. She turned her eyes slightly, and saw Shen Yan's indifferent face, and the next moment, she brushed her hands away expressionlessly, her gaze The cold, piercing eyes are more like the eyes she had when she first wore it.     Song Manman was still a little suspicious at first, but then she thought about it. In the original text, the male protagonist has always had such a cold and inhuman attitude towards the female supporting role, so she didn't care.     Song Manman's expression remained the same, then he walked to the other side of the table, pushed the food on the table towards him with a smile, and looked at him quietly with a hopeful expression.     Shen Yan froze slightly, but in the next second, his expression was cold, he looked down at her and said, "Take it away."     "..."     Song Manman blinked, her heart remained unmoved. For some reason, she felt that the male lead It finally feels normal.     But after she remembered her character design, she lowered her head slightly and said softly: "But, I made this for you with my own hands."

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