Chapter 20

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Chapter 20 · ?

    After Shen Yan uttered the last sentence, Song Manman's fingers on the edge of the door tightened suddenly, his expression cracked, like a thunderbolt from the blue.

    Song Manman tried to struggle: "Actually, I think—"

    But before she finished speaking, Shen Yan suddenly raised her hand to support the door, and then, under Song Manman's bewildered gaze, she opened the door openly and left Come in, and then walk to the bed with a natural expression.

    Seeing the pink sheets and quilts, Shen Yan stopped hesitantly, but the lack of sensation in his right arm made him choose to ignore this trace of disgust.

    Shen Yan was wearing black pajamas and sat beside the pink bed, then patted the side of her side, slightly nodded to Song Manman with a sluggish face, and said, "Come."

    Song Manman stood there blankly, subconsciously backing away She took a step, and her whole body was almost against the door. She swallowed hard, and tried her best to say: "...This is not good."

    But Shen Yan didn't think there was anything wrong, he glanced at After glancing at the clear "5" above Song Manman's head, he said casually, "Didn't you try so hard to marry me, why don't I let you get your wish now, huh?"


    Song Manman leaned against the door and fell asleep. The corner of the skirt was twisted into crumpled by her, she hesitated and said: "But we are progressing a little too fast..."

    Obviously the male protagonist in the novel has always hated the female supporting role, let alone sleeping in the same room and lying on a bed. bed, even if they live in the same room, they don't want to.

    But Shen Yan, who heard this sentence, seemed to be overwhelmed. He didn't care, and said calmly: "Hurry up, I don't think so."

    "..." Song Manman has nothing to love, and regrets why he made such a fuss in his company today When he got off work, he still owed a word and went home together, otherwise he wouldn't have fallen into this situation.

    Seeing that Song Manman had been refusing to come over, Shen Yan was a little steadfast, frowned and called out her name in a more emphatic tone: "Manman."

    "Come here."

    "...Understood, why are you urging me?" Song Manman muttered in a low voice, and then walked towards him as if dying.

    Song Manman purposely bypassed Shen Yan who was sitting on the outside, went inside and climbed onto the bed, quickly retracted into the bed, covering his face with only a pair of eyes staring at him vigilantly.

    Shen Yan, who was sitting on the outside, turned his head and glanced at her, then pushed back the quilt and sat in with a natural expression.

    Song Manman quietly moved inside, and there was a long distance between the two of them.

    When Song Manman felt that it was not enough and wanted to shrink in, Shen Yan suddenly said, "Where is your hand?"

    Although Shen Yan didn't know why Song Manman obviously didn't love him, his affection for him was even higher than that of strangers. It is not as good as it is, but it has never shown it, but has been deliberately showing an appearance of loving him, but at least it is still beneficial to him.

    Hearing his question, Song Manman was a little confused, so she blinked, then slowly stretched out a hand from under the quilt, and waved it slightly: "Here."

The male lead must attack me after transmigrating into a female supporting roleWhere stories live. Discover now