Chapter 41

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Chapter 41 · ?

    Song Manman began to recall, she didn't notice before that all the small details slowly emerged, she remembered that Shen Yan often looked at the top of her head intentionally or unintentionally.

    She squinted her eyes, she was sure she couldn't see any numbers at all, but the system knew that it forgot to tell her, and the male lead knew why he didn't tell her?

    She wanted to ask, but when she saw Shen Yan lowering her eyes to set the tableware for her, the words stuck in her throat and she swallowed them back.

    Song Manman was a little unhappy, and lost his appetite looking at the dishes on the table. The most important thing was that the two people were sitting across from each other and talking, how could they still be able to eat.

    She said with a cold face: "I won't eat."

    Shen Yan was slightly stunned, stopped his hands and looked at her, and noticed that when she had a cold face, he was a little puzzled, and asked tentatively: "Do you not like these? "


    Song Manman opened his mouth, looked at Shen Yan's cautious appearance, and became more irritable, and lowered his long eyelashes: "No, it's just that I'm not hungry now."

    After speaking, Song Manman stood up and directly Left the restaurant, pressed the elevator, and walked in.

    At the last second when the elevator closed, a slender white hand blocked the elevator door that was about to close, and the next moment, Shen Yan walked in.

    He pursed his lips and came to Song Manman's side, frowning tightly, as if he was thinking about what to say.

    Song Manman stood in the corner with his arms crossed and expressionless, without saying a word, while Shen Yan, who was watching, kept thinking about whether he had done something wrong that he didn't notice.

    "Manman, I—"

    But just as Shen Yan was about to speak, a group of people flooded in the next moment. They should all be together, chatting happily, and directly interrupted his voice.

    They kept pushing towards here, Shen Yan frowned slightly, his jaw tightened, he didn't like to get too close to strangers.

    But those people kept crowding in the direction of Song Manman.

    He silently took a step to the side, completely isolating Song Manman who was leaning against the corner.

    Shen Yan looked at Man Man, who was leaning against the corner of the elevator with her arms folded, feeling sulking. For some reason, now she looked like a little hamster huddled in the corner who was robbed of food and angry. She was a little cute, and he couldn't help it. He raised his lips.

    Just when Song Manman raised his head, he saw him smiling.

    Song Manman:?

    I am angry, but you are laughing!

    Due to the large number of people, Song Manman didn't want to talk about him, but he still raised his head and gave her a look, but he didn't expect the curve of his lips to rise again.

    Song Manman: "..."

    There were many people on the other side, but they squeezed towards this side intentionally or unintentionally, while Shen Yan supported the elevator wall that Song Manman was leaning against with one hand, preventing those people from approaching.

The male lead must attack me after transmigrating into a female supporting roleWhere stories live. Discover now