Chapter 27

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Chapter 27 · ?

    After Tong Xuan's words came out, almost everyone present turned their attention to Song Manman, wanting to see how she would react.

    They don't believe that Shen Yan will not get annoyed by such a bizarre behavior of intentionally framing someone and slapping someone, especially the woman in the pink dress who can't understand Song Manman, and they are excitedly waiting for Song Manman to be disgusted by Shen Yan .

    Tong Xuan just finished saying this, as if she just came to her senses, she explained incoherently: "I'm sorry, Miss Song, I didn't mean to say it, I just..."

    She hesitated to speak, with a guilty expression on her face, as if she was Annoyance should not tell the truth.

    If it wasn't for knowing that he hadn't met Tong Xuan at all, Song Manman would almost have thought that he had tripped the heroine on purpose. She had a delicate expression, but she didn't refute her aloud, instead she had an expression of anger after being exposed.

    The system applauded excitedly: [That's it! ]

    Song Manman: [...don't interrupt me. 】

    The plot here was supposed to be the scene where the female lead was exposed and refused to admit that she was determined to slander the female lead, and then someone came forward to clarify, and finally the male lead warned the female lead, and then protected the female lead to leave.

    But at this moment, the hero is still standing behind Song Manman, holding her tightly with one hand.

    Song Manman thought about how to behave, then raised his chin and rolled his eyes slightly, and said with some guilt: "I didn't do it, husband, you have to trust me, I—"

    "Yeah." Shen Yan half covered her eyes, A short monosyllable popped out of her throat, and then she seemed afraid that she would not understand, and after pondering for a while, she said again: "As long as you tell me, I will believe it."

    Song Manman was stunned.

    Afterwards, Shen Yan watched with his own eyes the change in the favorability level above Song Manman's head that hadn't moved for a long time, jumping from 5 to 6


    Shen Yan was surprised, his eyes were thoughtful.

    When Song Manman came to his senses, seeing this increasingly deteriorating situation gave him a headache.

    She looked at the heroine with tears in her eyes in front of her, and then glanced at the hero behind her who was indifferent and completely ignored the heroine, Song Manman couldn't help but groan.

    She felt that her 200 million dollars might really go to waste.

    And Tong Xuan who was standing opposite saw the two of them standing close together all the time, couldn't help taking a step forward, trembling slightly, said weakly but firmly: "I'm just an ordinary person, but I also have dignity , I just hope that Miss Song can say sorry to me."

    She looked firm, and there was a clear red mark on her cheek, which could be seen from being beaten.

    Her meaning was also very obvious, she didn't care about being slapped, but she was very determined to apologize for slandering her.

    Not to mention Tian Tian, ​​even the people who stood at the front and watched the fun couldn't help but let out a sigh, feeling a little pity unconsciously, and secretly cast aside Song Manman inwardly. focus.

The male lead must attack me after transmigrating into a female supporting roleWhere stories live. Discover now