Chapter 19

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Chapter 19 · ?

    "Isn't this kind of thing normal?"

    Song Manman's mind was full of these words, she was speechless for a moment, she was silent for two seconds and said: "Yes, this is indeed normal."

    At this moment, just lifted the When he was about to go upstairs, there was a sudden grunt. Although the sound was not loud, it was very clear in this quiet living room.

    Song Manman froze suddenly, covered his stomach subconsciously, a little embarrassed, and quickly said: "...cough, let's go up."

    After speaking, Song Manman wanted to run upstairs, but Shen Yan grabbed his arm. He frowned and asked, "You didn't eat?"

    He thought that Song Manman came to the company after eating at home, but now it seems that's not the case.

    "No." Song Manman stretched out his fingers and scratched his face lightly: "I wanted to eat with you."

    Speaking of this, Song Manman was a little depressed. You must know that she held back at that time and wanted to wait for him Together, it turned out that Shen Yan suddenly became inexplicable, so that she completely lost her appetite at that time.

    Shen Yan was silent.

    He frowned and glanced at Song Manman, sighed invisibly, and then dragged her to the dining table.

    Then Song Manman saw Shen Yan take off his suit jacket and put it on a chair, then rolled up his cuffs with downcast eyes, and walked into the kitchen.

    Song Manman opened his eyes wide, and an incredible guess appeared in his mind.

    Shen Yan wants to cook something for her?

    The novel didn't say that the hero can cook!

    Song Manman sat here restless, the kitchen was a little far away, she couldn't hear or see clearly what was going on, she dawdled for a while, and finally couldn't resist her curiosity, she quietly came to the kitchen, lay on the door and looked at in.

    I saw a long and elegant body standing in the kitchen, although the movements were jerky but the steps were accurate, it seemed that he really knew how to cook.

    Song Manman felt relieved.

    Great, she shouldn't be getting food poisoning.

    She returned to her seat, lying on the table with her chin resting on the back of her hand, quietly looking at the kitchen door, waiting for Shen Yan to come out.

    ten minutes later.

    A steaming bowl of noodles was placed in front of Song Manman. The golden eggs were mixed with bright red tomatoes and sprinkled with green scallions, making her already hungry even more hungry.

    Shen Yan sat opposite without saying a word, for some reason, Song Manman always felt that he seemed to be waiting for something.

    She silently picked up the chopsticks, and from the corner of her eye she saw Shen Yan's eyes moving slightly, Song Manman realized that she wanted her to taste the taste and then praise his craftsmanship.

    Song Manman looked at the tempting bowl of noodles in front of him, and thought with a smile, even if the taste is mediocre, she will praise it later.

    But the second she thought this way, the moment the noodles were just imported, Song Manman's movements froze, and her expression was dull.


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