Chapter 30

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Chapter 30 · ?

    When Song Manman, who was on the other end of the car, was sitting in the car, she suddenly realized that she could let Shen Yan see her off!

    What a waste of fare money.

    Song Manman sighed.


    When I returned to Song’s house, even if I came here once, I was still shocked by the house decorated like a golden nest.

    Song Manman stood at the door and struggled for a while, then opened the door and went in.

    As soon as I entered, I saw two people sitting on the sofa, one was Father Song and the other was Song Qiaoming, one had a serious face and hated that iron could not be made into steel, and the other was full of displeasure.

    Father Song's clothes were neat and tidy, his brows and eyes were vicissitudes, and a few strands of white hair were hidden in the hair, but it could be vaguely seen that he was also a handsome man when he was young.

    When they heard the door open, the two people inside cast their eyes on her in unison.

    After seeing clearly who it was, Father Song, who had a serious expression on his face, suddenly stretched his frowning brows and wanted to stand up, but the pain in his waist forced him to sit dryly, and said cautiously, "Xiao Man, you are back."

    Song Manman scratched his head, walked in and sat down next to them, frowned and looked at his waist: "Yes, your body is fine."

    Father Song was a little flattered, and heroically waved: "It doesn't matter, it's all small Problem."

    But he quickly reacted, and immediately restrained his behavior, returning to a calm appearance.

    Song Manman's expression was subtle.

    At this moment, Song's father suddenly looked at her hesitantly and said, "I'm sorry, Xiaoman, Dad had a big contract a few days ago and I haven't negotiated it and missed your birthday."

    His tone was cautious, as if I am used to what kind of way to communicate with my daughter.

    And Song's father missed the siblings' birthdays not once or twice because he was busy. Although he would buy gifts to compensate afterwards, he would basically be ridiculed by the original owner.

    Seeing Song's father's cramped appearance, Song Manman didn't care about any subtleties, but her mood was a little complicated, and it was impossible for her to act like the original owner in the past

    . The father seemed to think of something suddenly, took out the car keys from the briefcase beside him, and thought about his tone: "Look, this is your favorite Ferrari car key before. Dad didn't know what color you liked, so I bought two. A car of the same color as your birthday present.”

    Listening to Song’s father’s words and looking at the car keys in his hand, Song Manman was shocked for a moment, almost subconsciously thinking: Could it be that the rich give gifts so plainly? Is it?

    The thought was only for a moment, and seeing Father Song's depression visible to the naked eye because he hadn't picked up the car keys yet, the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes and the slightly trembling hands looked a little sad.     Just when Song's father

    sighed, Song Qiaoming on the side couldn't stand it any longer, and said very unhappy, "It's like this every time, you think my sister is rare."

Speechless, he snorted and thought: This year, I learned to pretend to be pitiful.

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