Forget and Forget again

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"He's escaped."

Sheriff Galpin watched as Wednesday Addam's eyebrows raised up. Her mouth remained pursed and neutral.

"Of course he did," she murmured. "He's a hyde, how could you possibly fathom him being contained by a jail cell?"

"He was in chains. In the car." The Sheriff didn't like how she had called Tyler the hyde. Donavan knew his boy was in there somewhere.

Wednesday put her palms on her thighs in her lap, straightening her skirt, maintaining her even expression. "Your point?"

The Sheriff coughed. "Look, that monster could be out anywhere, and as much as I don't want to admit it, you caught him in the end. I owe it to you, even if it wasn't who I expected."

Wednesday arched an eyebrow. "Are you implying I should go find him?"

Donavan Galpin cleared his throat. "With any resources you need, if you're up to it."

Wednesday nodded. "Alright," she glanced at him. "Do you presume he is in town?"

"I'm not sure, but a few days ago my patrols found this," the Sheriff held up a stained glass shard. The glass was splattered a deep crimson. "We found it near a bunker in the woods. We think the thing may be hiding down there, but when we checked the place was deserted."

Wednesday nodded. "I can look," she put out her palm. "Can I see that?"

He hesitated, but handed it to her. She took it out of its plastic bag which he winced at. "You'll get finger prints-"

She silenced him. The blood was dried and crusted onto the glass shard. It was clumping, and had several lumps all in the bloodied mess. To the Sheriff's disgust, Wednesday dug a fingernail through the dried up blood until she struck something solid, and papery.

She tried to pry her finger out, grasping the paper. When she succeeded, out came a small piece of parchment about three inches wide. The paper was stained and she couldn't make out the writing. She turned to the sherriff. "Could you scan this to try and decipher the print?"

He flinched as she handed it to him but he took it, with gloves. "Our team can try."

Wednesday peered at him. "Please do." Then she took her leave.

Headmistress Gordon was suspicious. It wasn't just Wednesday's paranoia of everyone being allies with Laurel talking.

Headmistress Gordon was dreadfully sweet, like Enid, but in the worst way. She went out of her way to wave a greeting at every student she passed, and gave out candies to anyone whom visited her office. It was pitiful that she was being forced to bribe her students with fickle sweets.

Wednesday made it a point to ignore the new Headmistress, in a silent protest against her; she preferred her recently passed Headmistress better.

But now, she had an excuse to escape the dreadful campus, any other time she would have been thrilled, but the topic of Tyler Galpin was not something she enjoyed to think about.

She was already in the process of forgetting every conversation with the boy when Sheriff Galpin called her over to inform her that Tyler had escaped. They had been searching for a week and had found nothing aside from a glass shard.

But underneath that glass shard's blood was a note. And that note could reveal everything. Maybe it was a letter, or an address. A letter to Laurel Gates?

But she was gone. Right? Wednesday wasn't so sure. Something in the cool crisp air made her skeptical. Once they found out what was written, maybe then she would have peace of mind.

[9:00 pm]

Tyler Galpin was looking through the leaves of a large maple tree that was falling apart by the changing season. Wednesday Addams was clicking away on the keys of her typewriter, in a pair of black and white plaided pants and an oversized black hoodie.

Tyler knew spying was wrong, but some little part of him wanted to see her, while the rest of him[hyde] wanted to rip away from the sight and go feast on someone's flesh. The little part of him was winning.

Tyler knew she probably hated him, or even worse, she had forgotten about him. She had a right to both. She probably was dating that Xavier guy, who had known that Tyler was a horrible person before Wednesday did. He wasn't a monster, he could make her happy.

The hyde hated when Tyler would reminiscence about his days as a simple barista. But Tyler thought it was nice to think about the times when he didn't know he was a monster, a murderer, a liar. But now he realized it hurt. Looking at Wednesday and wondering how she was doing, and if she cared was killing him. And he couldn't do anything, because he knew in an instant that she would take him to police, or destroy him, or worse, tell him she didnt care.

He knew she had told him she would stomp on his heart, but that wasn't true. Tyler was doing the stomping for her.

"Leave." A rumbling voice from inside him ordered.

He gave one more longing look at Wednesday's window, before he climbed down from the tree.

Please don't forget me. I need help.

The monster inside him growled at his thoughts, and he smacked his own head.


"I am the monster" -Tyler X WednesdayWhere stories live. Discover now