cold metal- bonus

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[Marilyn POV]

Marilyn Thornhill turned over the locket in her hands, smirking as the silver glinted in the candlelight. She was sitting in Headmistress Gordon's desk chair, spinning around and awaiting until the Principal arrived back from her lunch break. Flicking the locket open, the dead eyes of Morticia Addams stared back at her.

Power. Marilyn seethed as she stared down at the image. Morticia had power she had never cared to use. Lucky Yoko was generous enough to steal the locket for her, and give her that power. Where Wednesday had gotten it from, she didn't have the foggiest notion. But it was Marilyn's now, and Marilyn was going to put her new Colligendis crystal to use.

Whipping a smoky haze from the crystal, Marilyn felt a spell coax into her throat, the words spouting from her mouth not her own. The spirit of the casting overcoming her, Marilyn's voice turned somber and she started to mumble.

"adună pe cel care deține totul fă-mă să mă ridic și lasă-i să cadă sângele stacojiu socoti cu tine, va fi mistuit de demonul pe care îl înving" She finished, her breath coming out in whisps, and she felt the locket compress against her chest, and power seeped into her veins.

In the background, she heard the click of an opening door. In instinct, her skin morphed into the fair complexion of Larissa Weems.

Jaclyn Gordon was humming as she clicked the door closed. The chair was not facing her, but as the woman turned around, when her eyes glazed Jaclyn, she jolted up. Jaclyn, startled, dropped her binder and papers, and let out a gasp. "Who are you?"

Marilyn/Laurel/Larissa smiled. "Your replacement." She smirked, and stalked towards her, and fast as a cheetah, Marilyn pounced. But as her skin touched the coffee colored skin of Jaclyn Gordon, her head cracked back, and her conscious was seeped into a vision.

"I am the monster" -Tyler X WednesdayWhere stories live. Discover now